11/28/12 Informational Hearing
Caltrans Peer Review Process
- Agenda
- Background Report
- Witness Presentation: Malcolm Dougherty — California Department of Transportation Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Bimla Rhinehart — California Transportation Commission Toll Bridge Program Oversight Committee Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Jay Higgins — URS Corporation, American Society of Civil Engineers, Region 9, ASCE Region 9 Statement, Agreement for Peer Review of Design, ASCE Code of Ethics 10/2020, ASCE Manual 73, Chapter 22, Peer Review, Definitions from CMAA
- Witness Presentation: Elizabeth Goldstein Alexis — Californians Advocating Responsible Rail Design Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Darren Kettle — Ventura County Transportation Commission Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Jacqui Irwin — City of Thousand Oaks Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Keith Millhouse — City of Moorpark, Southern California Regional Rail Authority, Ventura County Transportation Commission Presentation
11/27/12 Informational Hearing
Implementation Transportation Development Act in Ventura County
- Agenda — Revised
- Background Report
- Witness Presentation: Bob Huber, City of Simi Valley Presentation
8/14/12 Informational Hearing
Addressing Safety Concerns Relating to State Bridges
7/5/12 Joint Informational Hearing with the Select Committee on High-Speed Rail and Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation
Regional Memorandums of Understanding, Southern California
5/15/12 Joint Informational Hearing with the Select Committee on High-Speed Rail and Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation
High-Speed Rail Authority, Revised 2012 Business Plan
3/7/12 Informational Hearing
The State of California's Housing Market 2012
- Agenda
- Background Report
- Witness Presentation: Leslie Appleton-Young — California Association of Realtors Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Arthur C. Nelson — Urban Land Institute Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Meea Kang — Domus Development/California Infill Builders Association Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Linda Wheaton — Department of Housing and Community Development Presentation
2/22/12 Joint Informational Hearing with Senate Governance and Finance Committee
Financing Affordable Housing and Local Economic Development: New Reality, New Opportunity
- Agenda
- Background Report
- Witness Testimony: Kate Klimow — Orange County Business Council Testimony
- Witness Presentation, Prepared Remarks: Seth Merewitz — Best, Best & Krieger Handout 1, Handout 2, Handout 3, Handout 4
- Financing Affordable Housing and Local Economic Development: New Reality, New Opportunity Summary Report
1/24/12 Informational Hearing
Review of the California Transportation Commission's 2011 Statewide Transportation Needs Study
12/13/11 Informational Hearing
Regional Governance in the Bay Area: Ensuring Effective Community Outreach and Public Participation
- Background Paper
- Witness Testimony: Will Travis — San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Testimony
- Witness Testimony: Guillermo Mayer — Public Advocates Testimony
12/8/11 Informational Hearing
Regional Governance in the Bay Area: The Role of Regional Institutions in Fostering Economic Development
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Witness Presentation: Steve Heminger — Metropolitan Transportation Commission Presentation (PPT)
12/5/11 Joint Informational Hearing with the Select Committee on High-Speed Rail
Review of the Draft High-Speed Authority's Business Plan
11/22/11 Informational Hearing
Department of Transportation: Bridge Foundation Inspection Practices
11/16/11 Joint Informational Hearing with Assembly Transportation Committee
Intelligent Transportation Systems
10/24/11 Informational Hearing
Meeting the Goals of AB 32: Fuels of the Future
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Summary Report
- Fuels of the Future Summary Report Fuel Properties Comparison Table
- Witness Presentation: Mary D. Nichols — California Air Resources Board Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Daniel Kammen — University of California, Berkeley Handout, Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Dawn Manley — Sandia National Laboratories Presentation (PPT), Handout 1, Handout 2
- Witness Presentation: Catherine Reheis-Boyd — Western States Petroleum Association Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Denise Gitsham — Sapphire Energy, Inc., representing the Advanced Biofuels Association Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Eileen Tutt — California Electric Transportation Coalition Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Catherine Dunwoody — California Fuel Cell Partnership Presentation (PPT), Handout
- Witness Presentation: Tim Carmichael — California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Simon Mui — Natural Resources Defense Council Presentation, Testimony
- Witness Presentation: Don Anair — Union of Concerned Scientists Presentation (PPT), Testimony
- Witness Presentation: Bonnie Holmes-Gen — American Lung Association Presentation (PPT), Testimony, Fact Sheet
- Witness Presentation: Jane Williams — California Communities Against Toxics Report, Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Jane Williams — California Communities Against Toxics
- Witness Presentation: Bob Epstein — Environmental Entrepreneurs Presentation
09/13/11 Informational Hearing
Regional Governance in the Bay Area
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Witness Presentation: Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair — Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Jessica Zenk, Director of Transportation Policy — Silicon Valley Leadership Group Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Elizabeth Deakin, Professor of City and Regional Planning — UC Berkeley Presentation (PPT)
07/15/11 Joint Informational Hearing
From Food to Rail: High-Speed Rail Impacts on Agriculture
07/08/11 Informational Hearing
Build California Bonds and Los Angeles METRO's 30/10 Program
05/16/11 Informational Hearing
Foreclosures and the California Housing Market
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Witness Testimony: Stephen Levy , Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy Housing Demand and the California Economy (PPT)
- Witness Testimony: Heather Morton, National Conference of State Legislatures State Legislation Addressing Foreclosures (PPT)
03/01/11 Informational Hearing
National Freight Policy: A Strategic and Vital Need
02/28/11 Joint Informational Hearing
Transportation Funding Overview
02/15/11 Joint Informational Hearing
Redevelopment and Affordable Housing Finance
11/08/10 Informational Hearing
The Interstate 5 North Coast Corridor Project Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement and the Role That AB 32/SB 375 Plays
11/04/10 Informational Hearing
Review of the U.C. Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies Assessment of the High-Speed Rail Authority's Ridership Forecast and State Auditor's Monitoring of the High-Speed Rail Authority
09/22/10 Joint Informational Hearing
Proposition 22: The Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Protection Act of 2010
03/23/10 Informational Hearing
Status of the Intercity and Commuter Rail Programs Funded by Proposition 1A of 2008 — The Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond
02/23/10 Informational Hearing
Green Building Standards: A Progress Report and Discussion of Issues Related to the Recent Adoption of the 2010 CALGreen Code
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Witness Testimony: Kim Strange — Department of Housing and Community Development Testimony, Handout
- Witness Handout: Bob Raymer — California Building Industry Association Handout
- Witness Letter: Matthew Wheeler — California Building Officials Letter
- Witness Letter: Victoria Rome — Natural Resources Defense Council and Lauren Navarro — Environmental Defense Fund Letter
- Witness Testimony: Elizabeth Echols — United States Green Building Council, Northern California Testimony
- Witness Letter: Harry Moos — Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors of California Letter
- Witness Letter: Sara Yerkes — International Code Council Letter
01/20/10 Informational Hearing
The Use of Federal Economic Stimulus Funds for Transportation
01/19/10 Joint Informational Hearing
Review of the High-Speed Rail Authority Business Plan
01/13/10 Joint Informational Hearing
Updates from California Housing Finance Agency and the Department of Housing and Community Development
01/12/10 Joint Informational Hearing
2009 San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Closures and Related Bridge Safety Issues
12/15/09 Joint Informational Hearing
Schools as Centers Of Sustainable Communities: A Vision for Future School Facility Construction
- Agenda
- Biography: Robert R. Verchick — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Handout
- Witness Testimony: Federal Partnership for Sustainable Communities Testimony
- Biography: Steven Bingler — founder of Concordia, LLC Handout
- Witness Testimony: Schools as Centers of Community: A Citizens Guide for Planning and Design Testimony
- Biography: Jordan Knighton and Carol A. Leighty Handout
- Witness Testimony: Schools as Centers of Community/Community Based Sustainable School Planning Testimony
- Biography: Jeff Vincent, Deputy Director — Center for Cities and Schools, UC Berkeley Handout
- Fact Sheet: SB375 and Public Schools Handout
- Fact Sheet: Smart Schools, Smart Growth Handout
- Fact Sheet: Integrating Infrastructure Planning: The Role of Schools Handout
- Witness Testimony: Mike McKeever, Executive Director — Sacramento Area Council of Governments Testimony
12/01/09 Informational Hearing
High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes II: The Next Generation
11/17/09 Informational Hearing
High-Occupancy Vehicle Lanes I: Achieving Current Policy Objectives
10/28/09 Joint Informational Hearing
Setting Speed Limits in California
03/17/09 Informational Hearing
Overview of the California High-Speed Rail Program in California
03/16/09 Informational Hearing
California's Proposed Low-Carbon Fuel Standard
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Witness Presentation: James Goldstene and Robert Fletcher — Air Resources Board Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Testimony: Catherine Raheis-Boyd — Western States Petroleum Association Testimony
- Witness Presentation: Geoff Cooper — Renewable Fuels Association Presentation
- Witness Testimony: Dave Modisett — California Electric Transportation Coalition Testimony
- Witness Testimony: Bonnie Holmes-Gen — American Lung Association Testimony
- Witness Presentation: Roland Hwang — Natural Resources Defense Council Presentation
- Witness Testimony: Patricia Monahan — Union of Concerned Scientist Testimony
- Witness Testimony: Jane Williams — California Communities Against Toxics Testimony
02/24/09 Informational Hearing
Reducing Congestion and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Through Parking Policy
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Summary Report
- Witness Presentation: Dr. Donald Shoup — UCLA Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Dr. Allison Yoh — RAND Institute Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Dan Zack — City of Redwood City Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Mark Yamarone — City of Pasadena Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Testimony: Justin Horner — Natural Resources Defense Council Testimony
- Witness Testimony: Nathaniel Ford Sr. — San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Handout 1, Handout 2, Handout 3
- Witness Presentation: Patrick Siegman — Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates Presentation (PPT)
02/23/09 Joint Informational Hearing
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Of 2009: Putting It to Work in California
10/23/08 Informational Hearing
Review of the High-Speed Rail Business Plan
10/08/08 Informational Hearing
Metrolink Railroad Accident at Chatsworth
02/26/08 Joint Informational Hearing
National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission Presentation of Commission Findings and Recommendations
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Secretary Mary E. Peters as published in the Wall Street Journal Handout
- Article in the Bond Buyer, Senator Barbara Boxer Favors Bonds for Transportation Funding Handout
01/11/08 Informational Hearing
Oversight of the California High-Speed Rail Authority
12/07/07 Informational Hearing
Oversight of the California High-Speed Rail Authority
11/27/07 Informational Hearing
Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Summary Report
- Witness Presentation: Peggy Jenkins — Air Resources Board Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Testimony: Jason Wimbley — Department of Community Services and Development Testimony
08/21/07 Informational Hearing
The State of California's Bridges
03/07/07 Joint Informational Hearing
Proposition 1B Air Quality-Related Impacts
03/06/07 Informational Hearing
Implementation of Proposition 1B Pt. II
02/27/07 Informational Hearing
Implementation of Proposition 1B
02/13/07 Informational Hearing
Implementation of Proposition 1C
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Witness Presentation: Lynn Jacobs, Department of Housing and Community Development Handout
- Witness Testimony: Rebecca Clark, National Community Reinvestment Testimony
- Witness Presentation: Lynn Jacobs, Department of Housing and Community Development Handout
- Witness Presentation: Julie Snyder, Housing California Handout
- Witness Testimony: Rusty Selix, California Association of Councils of Government Testimony, Presentation
- Witness Testimony: Tom Adams, California League of Conservation Voters Testimony
- Witness Testimony: Carol Galante, BRIDGE Housing Corporation Testimony
- Witness Presentation: Richard Lyon, California Building Industry Association Report
- Witness Presentation: Mary Ellen Shay, California Housing Authorities Association Report
01/17/07 Informational Hearing
Tolls, User Fees, and Public-Private Partnerships: The Future of Transportation Finance in California?
10/18/06 Informational Hearing
Proposition 1B: What the Transportation Bond Means for Southern California
10/11/06 Informational Hearing
The Emergency Shelter and Housing Needs of Southern California and the Accomplishments of Proposition 46
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Summary Report
- Witness Presentation: Di Richardson — California Housing Finance Agency Chart (MS Excel)
- Witness Presentation: Lynn Jacobs — California Department of Housing and Community Development Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Beth Stochl — City of Los Angeles Housing Department Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Tom Scott — San Diego Housing Federation Presentation
- Witness Presentation: Toni Reinis — New Directions, Inc. Presentation
- Report on Homeless Foster Youth: Elizabeth Calvin — Human Rights Watch Report
3/01/06 Majority Report to the Conference Committee on Infrastructure Bonds
2/28/06 Informational Hearing
The Governor's Strategic Growth Plan: Expanding Technology's Role in Meeting 21st Century Challenges
2/21/06 Informational Hearing
The Governor's Strategic Growth Plan: Are These the Legislature's Funding Priorities?
2/14/06 Informational Hearing
The Governor's Strategic Growth Plan: Public-Private Partnerships
2/7/06 Informational Hearing
The Governor's Strategic Growth Plan: The Transportation Project Selection Process
1/24/06 Informational Hearing
The Governor's Strategic Growth Plan: Overview and Reactions
12/13/05 Informational Hearing
SB 1024: What the Infrastructure Bond Would Mean for Southern California
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Audio Recording
- Witness Testimony: Leahy Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Testimony: Marquez Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: Senator Tom Torlakson Presentation (PPT)
5/4/05 Joint Informational Hearing with Senate Transportation Sub-Committee on California Ports and Goods Movement and Assembly Select Committee on Ports
Goods Movement Meltdown — What Should Be the State's Strategy?
2/8/05 Informational Hearing
Linking Jobs, Housing and Transportation to Create More Livable Communities
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Summary Report
- Witness Testimony: Wunderman Testimony
- Witness Testimony: Housing California Testimony
- Witness Presentation: SANDAG Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: The Olson Company Presentation (PPT)
- Witness Presentation: PolicyLink Hearings Presentation (PPT)