February 25, 2020
Joint Informational Hearing, Senate Transportation and Senate Judiciary
Beall and Jackson, Chairs
1:30 p.m., John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203)
Subject: More Mobility Options, More Data: Transportation And Privacy Issues In Shared-Mobility Data Use
Mobility and Data in Sacramento
Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) Presentation
February 18, 2020
Joint Informational Hearing with the Select Committee on Women, Work and Families and the California Legislative Women's Caucus
Upon adjournment of Session, John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203)
Subject: The Pink Tax: How Gender-Based Pricing Discrimination Undermines Women’s Economic Opportunity and What To Do About It
June 13, 2019
Joint Oversight Hearing
Joint Legislative Audit Committee and Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committees
9:30am, Room 126
Subject: Commission on Judicial Performance: Weaknesses in Its Oversight Have Created Opportunities for Judicial Misconduct to Persist (2016–137)
March 12, 2019
Joint Informational Hearing with the Senate Environmental Quality Committee
Subject: Just the Facts: An Evidence-Based Look at CEQA Streamlining and CEQA’s Role in Development
Report: CEQA and Housing Production
Report: Getting it Right, Working Paper #1
Report: Examining the Local Land Use Entitlement Process in California to Inform Policy and Process, Working Paper #2
Report: CEQA Research Brief
Report: CEQA in 10 Minutes
Report: CEQA Review of Housing Projects by the Governor's Office of Planning and Research