Position Letters

Letters of Support and Opposition 

Please submit letters via the Advocacy Portal      Submit Position Letter

For information on how to submit a position letter please see the directions below:

Advocacy Quick Reference Guide

  1. In order to be listed in the Committee analysis, position letters shall:
  • Be received directly by the Committee no later than noon (12:00 pm), 9 calendar days prior to the hearing of the legislation 
  • Clearly reference the bill and indicate only a position of “support” or “oppose”, letters of conditional support or opposition will not be listed on Committee Analyses
  • For letters from mulitple organizations (coalition letters), provide the name of each organization signing the letter, as well as a named individual responsible for that organization’s position on the bill, in the signature of the letter
  • For letters from individuals, provide the writer’s full name and residential address, including zip code 
     2.  It is the responsibility of the organization/individual to submit an updated position letter to the Committee if the bill
          is amended and changes the organization's/individual's position
     3.  Committe staff are not responsible for distributing letters to Committee Members' offices, authors' offices, or other committees


If position letter deadlines change, updated deadlines will be posted on the home page of the Committee website.



Committee Address
