2015-16 Informational & Oversight Hearings

May 25, 2016 

Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality & Assembly Natural Resources Committees

“Joint Public Hearing on the Carryout-Bags.  Charges.  Initiative Statute. (#1734)"  (On July 1, 2016, #1734 was designated Proposition 65 on the November 8, 2016, General Election Ballot)


April 6, 2016 

Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee

“California's Drinking Water Program:  Recent Progress and Ongoing Challenges"


March 8, 2016

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Transportation and Housing & Environmental Quality Committees

"Volkswagen’s “Defeat Device”:  Update and Implications for California"


February 5, 2016  -- HEARING HAS BEEN POSTPONED -- to a Later Date to be Determined

Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee

“Oversight of the South Coast Air Quality Management District's Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) Program"


February 3, 2016

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee & the Select Committee on Climate Change and AB 32 Implementation

“Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: The Paris Climate Accord and What it Means for California’s Climate Investments”




November 2015

Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Efforts in California

Summary of Oversight and Informational Hearings held in 2015  

Prepared by Dr. Laurie Harris, California Council on Science & Technology Fellow


October 16, 2015

Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee

“Southern California Regional Adaptation Efforts to Climate Change Impacts”

  • 10/16/15 Agenda
  • 10/16/15 Background
  • Alex Hall, Professor, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences and Institute of the Environment & Sustainability, and Director, Center for Climate Change Solutions, UCLA
  • Manuel Pastor, Professor, Sociology and American Studies & Ethnicity, and Director, Program for Environmental and Regional Equity (PERE), USC
  • Krista Kline, Managing Director, Los Angeles Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability (LARC)
  • Elizabeth Rhoades, Climate Change Liaison, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health
  • Kenn Fujioka, Manager, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District, and President-Elect, Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California (MVCAC)
  • Jonathan Parfrey, Executive Director, Climate Resolve

September 22, 2015

Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee

“Central Valley Regional Adaptation Efforts to Climate Change Impacts”

June 17, 2015

Oversight Hearing:  Senate Environmental Quality Committee

"California Department of Toxic Substances Control’s Cost Recovery: Progress in Implementing the California State Auditor Recommendations"


May 29, 2015

Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee

“Bay Area Regional Adaptation Efforts to Climate Change Impacts”


April 29, 2015

Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee

"The Department of Toxic Substances Control:  Oversight Update on the Permitting Program"


April 15, 2015

Informational Hearing:  Senate Environmental Quality Committee

"Overview of the California Environmental Quality Act"

March 17, 2015

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Transportation and Housing & Environmental Quality Committees

"The Road to 2020 and Beyond: The Role of the Transportation Sector in Meeting California's Climate Goals"

  • 3/17/15 Agenda
  • 3/17/15 Background Report
  • Witness Presentation: Richard Corey, Executive Officer — Air Resources Board Handout 1, Handout 2, and Testimony
  • Witness Presentation: Janea A. Scott, Commissioner — California Energy Commission
  • Witness Presentation and Handout: Curt Augustine, Director of Policy and Government Affairs — Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
  • Witness Presentation: Tim Carmichael, President — California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition Handout and Testimony
  • Witness Handout: Bill Magavern, Policy Director — Coalition for Clean Air
  • Witness Presentation: Simon Mui, Ph.D., Senior Scientist and Director — California Vehicles and Fuels, Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Safe Routes to School National Partnership Handout on 120 Organizations Supporting More ATP Funding
  • To view a video of the hearing, click here.

March 12, 2015

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy, and Transportation & Environmental Quality Committees

"Oversight (Part A):  California Department of Toxic Substances Control"

March 10, 2015

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Natural Resource and Water & Environmental Quality Committees

"Ensuring Groundwater Protection: Is the Underground Injection Control Program Working?"

March 5, 2015

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications & Environmental Quality Committees

"ExxonMobil Torrance Refinery Explosion: Community Impacts, Emergency Response, and Long-term Safety"

 Live Video Stream

February 25, 2015

Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee

"California’s Adaptation Efforts to Climate Change Impacts on Environmental Quality and Public Health"


Committee Address
