September 16, 2014
Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"California Department of Toxic Substances Control: Cost Recovery Audits and Oversight
April 2, 2014
Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Flame Retardants and Technical Bulletin 117-2013"
- 4/2/14 Agenda
- 4/2/14 Background
- 4/2/14 Chicago Tribune Articles
- 4/2/14 Video of Hearing
March 26, 2014
Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Home-Generated Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal: Take-Back Programs in California"
- 3/26/14 Agenda
- 3/26/14 Background
- California Research Bureau Handouts:
1. Pharmaceuticals in Water: An Overview
2. Common Pharmaceuticals in California Water
3. Reducing Pharmaceuticals in California Water
- Background on Pharmaceutical Usage, Disposal, and Environmental Presence Handouts:
1. California Legislative Analyst's Office
2. CalRecycle
- Regional California Take-Back Programs Handouts:
2. Los Angeles Narcotics Bureau - County Safe Drug Drop-Off Program
- 3/26/14 Video of Hearing
March 19, 2014
Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality & Natural Resources and Water Committees
"Emergency Response to Rail Accidents"
Department of Toxic Substances Control Presentation and Handouts:
2. Emergency Function 10 Hazardous Material Annex
3. Emergency Response Unit Fact Sheet
4. List of DTSC Emergency Responses 2009 to Present
6. Map of Who Received RAPID Funding
- 3/19/14 Video of Hearing
March 12, 2014
Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee & Select Committee on Climate Change and AB 32 Implementation
"AB 32: Implementation Through 2020 and Beyond"
- Witness presentation: Mary Nichols, Chairman, Air Resources Board
- Witness presentation: Bill Magavern, Coalition for Clean Air
- Witness presentation: Prof. Dan Kammen, UC Berkeley. Handout No. 1, Handout No. 2.
- Witness presentation: Alex Jackson, NRDC
- Witness presentation: Dorothy Rothrock, California Manufacturers and Technology Association
- Witness presentation: V. John White, Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
- 3/12/14 Video of Hearing
February 26, 2014
Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Natural Resources and Water & Environmental Quality Committees
"SB 4 (2013) Implementation and Well Stimulation Regulations"
- 2/26/14 Agenda
- 2/26/14 Background
- Department of Conservation Handout
- League of Women Voters of California Statement (page two is blank - not a mistake)
- 2/26/14 Video of Hearing
January 15, 2014
Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Department of Toxic Substances Control: Hazardous Waste Management Program"
September 24, 2013
Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality & Natural Resources and Water Committees
"Setting the Stage for a 2014 Water Bond: Where Are We and Where Do We Need To Go?"
- 9/24/13 Agenda
- Background
- Audio Recording of Hearing
- Maven's Minutes
May 15, 2013
Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Oversight of the Safe Drinking Water Revolving Fund and Water Quality Programs Impacting Drinking Water"
February 12, 2013
Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Natural Resources and Water & Environmental Quality Committees
"The Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil and Gas Production in California"
- 2/12/13 Agenda
- Background
- Audio Recording of Hearing
Panel 1 - Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources
Panel 2 - Regulatory Agencies
- Department of Toxic Substances Control
- South Coast Air Quality Management District
- California Air Resources Board
Panel 3 - Local Government Representatives
Lorelei Oviatt, Director of Planning and Community Development for Kern County
- Santa Cruz County Letter
- Santa Cruz County Resolution