2017-18 Informational & Oversight Hearings

May 23, 2018

"Initiative Statute: Eliminates Certain Liability for Lead-Paint Manufacturers. 

Authorizes Bonds to Fund Structural and Environmental Remediation Projects" 

Initiative Statute #1845.

April 11, 2018

Informational Hearing of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Implementation of California Climate Adaptation Policies"

February 14, 2018

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality and Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committees
"Overview and Final Recommendations of the Department of Toxic Substances Control Independent Review Panel"

January 17, 2018

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy, and Transportation & Environmental Quality Committees
"California's Cap-and-Trade Program:  The Air Resources Board's 2018 Scoping Plan"

May 10, 2017

Oversight Hearing:  Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"California’s Climate Change Market-Based Compliance Mechanism:  A Cap-and-Trade Program Post 2020"

March 21, 2017

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Transportation and Housing & Environmental Quality Committees
"Volkswagen and Fiat-Chrysler Emissions Control Violations:  Impact on California"

March 1, 2017

Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"Oversight Hearing of the Department of Pesticide Regulation: Are Proposed Regulations Protective of Children’s Health?"

February 22, 2017

Informational Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"The Federal Clean Air Act:  California's Waivers:  How California's Strict Air Quality Standards Have Created Economic Growth and Improved Public Health"

February 15, 2017

Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"An Overview of California's Beverage Container Recycling (Bottle Bill) Program"

February 1, 2017

Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee & Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 2 On Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation

"Department of Toxic Substances Control:  Presentation of Independent Review Panel Annual Report"

January 18, 2017

Oversight Hearing: Senate Environmental Quality Committee
"California Air Resources Board:  An Overview of Air Pollution"

Committee Address
