High-Speed Rail Hearings


4/3/18 Joint Informational Hearing with the Senate Budget and Fiscal Review, Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation

High Speed Rail: 2018 Draft Business Plan

3/14/17 Informational Hearing, High-Speed Rail: Where are we now and where are we heading?

5/15/12  Joint Informational Hearing with the Senate Select Committee on High-Speed Rail and Senate Budget and Fiscal Review, Subcommittee No. 2 on Resources, Environmental Protection, Energy and Transportation

High-Speed Rail Authority, Revised 2012 Business Plan

12/5/11 Joint Informational Hearing with the Select Committee on High Speed Rail

Review of the Draft High-Speed Rail Authority's Business Plan

03/23/10 Informational Hearing

Status of the Intercity and Commuter Rail Programs Funded by Proposition 1A Of 2008 — The Safe Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond.

 01/19/10 Joint Informational Hearing

Review of the High-Speed Rail Authority Business Plan.

 12/01/09 Informational Hearing

High-Occupancy Vehicles Lane II: The Next Generation.

 03/17/09 Informational Hearing

Overview of the California High-Speed Rail Program In California.

 10/23/08 Informational Hearing

Review of the High-Speed Rail Business Plan.

01/11/08 Informational Hearing

Oversight of the California High-Speed Rail Authority.

12/07/07 Informational Hearing

Oversight of the California High-Speed Rail Authority.

Committee Address
