Position Letters

Support and Opposition letters are due no later than 12:00 pm on the Wednesday prior to the day that the bill is set for a hearing.

Please submit all letters electronically via the California Legislature Advocates Portal: https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/

  • This portal is available to individuals, advocates, and lobbyists. You will have to create an account. Please see the Advocates Portal Reference Guide for more information.

You may also mail physical letters to State Capitol, Room 2209 Sacramento, CA 95814.

This committee does not accept emailed position letters. If you email the assistant or the consultants a letter, you will be redirected back to these two options. If you require assistance, please email the committee assistant at Cicely.Chisholm@sen.ca.gov.

In order to be reflected in the committee analysis, we must receive a letter directly. We do not list organizations that only sent letters to prevous committees. That means either mailing or dropping off letters to our office, or submitting to our committee specifically when using the Advovates Portal.

Letters from organizations must be signed and on letterhead. 

Please note:

Letters will only be listed in the analysis as support or oppose as we do not accommodate subsections. "Support if Amended" and "Letters of Concern" will be treated as no position and thus not reflected. "Oppose Unless Amended" will be listed as opposition.

It is not the policy of the committee to make sure your letters get to all the members of the committee.  You are encouraged to send your letter to each member individually.

Updated 5/20/2020

Committee Address
