How can I testify at a hearing?
Anyone wanting to comment on the support or opposition of a bill on our agenda is welcome. There is a time during the presentation of each bill when anyone supporting or opposing the bill is asked to speak. We have two people for each side act as primary witnesses. After that, we ask that anyone else wishing to be placed on the record state only their name, their organization, and their position on the bill. You may also submit public comments to the committee email address and it will be added to the official bill file.
What is the process for support or opposition letters?
The deadline to submit letters is at noon six (6) days prior to when the bill is set for hearing. Please see the Position Letter tab for more information as we prefer to accept letters electronically through the California Legislature Advocates Portal. We will not accept letters emailed to either the assistant or consultants, so please read the "Position Letter" tab carefully.
We cannot reflect the support or opposition on any bill in the analysis without a copy of the letter sent directly to our committee. Letters only sent to other committees will not be listed.
We do not accommodate subsections in the analysis, but we do file all letters received. We only list support or oppose. "Support if amended" and "letters of concern" will not be listed, and "oppose unless amended" will be listed as opposition.
It is not committee policy to make sure letters get to all the members of the committee. You are encouraged to contact their office directly.
In what order will the bills be heard on hearing day?
We hear bills in file order. As is customary, any members of the committee that have bills on the agenda go at the end of other authors' presentations.
When does the committee have to have amendments on a bill being heard at the next bill hearing?
The amendments must be in Legislative Counsel form and submitted to the committee no later than noon eight (8) days prior the hearing the bill is set for. We need the original signed by the author, plus 9 copies for a total of 10. Please provide a copy of the in-text amendments as well.
How can I watch a committee hearing?
All committee hearings are televised. If you wish to stream a hearing happening live, a link can be found on the main Senate website under "Today's Events". You may find past hearings on the Senate website under Media Archives. If you would like to request a video copy of a hearing, please contact Senate TV directly at 916-651-1531. There is a small fee.
How can I make an appointment to meet with one of the committee consultants?
Please call the committee’s direct line (916-651-4124) to find out which consultant is handling which bill or issue area. If you know who you need to contact, please email them directly. Each consultant schedules their own meetings.
When are the analyses available to the public?
Most often our analyses are available the Thursday afternoon prior to the Tuesday hearing online under the 'Bill Hearings' tab. The analyses are also available on the California Legislative Information website the next day.
Updated 5/12/20