INFORMATIONAL HEARING II: "Examining Interagency Care Coordination for Children and Youth with Special Needs in the State of California"
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 2:00PM—4:00PM
Location: Room 2040 State Capital
Sacramento, CA
Description: Examined interagency care coordination between State departments and agencies providing care and services to children with special and complex needs. In additon, the Select Committee also heard from four innovative programs and pilot coalitions currently underway in Alameda County, Kern County, and San Bernardino County addressing interagency care coordination at the county-level for children and youth with special needs.
- Agenda 04/05/16 [pdf]
- Announcement [pdf]
- Written Testimony
- Presentations
- Overview of Interagency Care Coordination- Dr. David Bergman
- Model 1: Alameda County Committee on Children with Speical Needs- Laurie A. Soman
- Model 2: Alameda County California Children's Services Mental Health Initiative-Barbara Sheehy & Ellen Muir
- Model 3: Kern County Medically Vulnerable Care Coordination Project-Marc Thibault
- Model 4: San Bernardino County Desert/Mountain Children's Center- Linda Llamas
- Resources
INFORMATIONAL HEARING I: "Mapping the Current System of Care and Funding for Children and Youth with Special Needs in the State of California"
Tuesday, December 1, 2015 1:00PM-4:00PM
Location: Room 3191 State Capital
Sacramento, CA
Description: Centered on mapping programs and services for children with special needs under the four principal systems of care— physical health, mental health, developmental disability, and education. Panel speakers provided an overview of programs and services, identified current challenges impacting programs and service delivery, addressed funding mechanisms for programs and services, and provided relevant data during testimony.
Written Testimony