Welcome to the Select Committee on Children with Special Needs

Introduction to the Select Committee on Children with Special Needs [VIDEO]


The California State Senate Select Committee on Children with Special Needs, chaired by California State Senator Dr. Richard Pan, was established in Fall 2015 for the purpose of increasing understanding of how programs and services for children and youth with special and complex needs are implemented and delivered in the State, and to identify ways to strengthen and integrate systems of care to benefit children, youth and their families. In addition, the Select Committee aims to build partnerships between policy leaders, key stakeholders, and state and county program administrators to support and foster policy and actions which promote improved health outcomes and quality of life for this unique population.

The Select Committee is currently engaged in exploring a breadth of topics and issues impacting children and youth with special and complex needs from birth to age 21 years old, across four principal systems of care— including physical health, mental health, developmental disability needs, and education.


Senator Richard Pan (Chair)
Senator Ted Gaines
Senator Jerry Hill
Senator Ben Hueso
Senator Holly Mitchell
Senator Scott Wilk

Committee Address
