Wednesday, May 18, 2016, State Capitol, Room 444, 10 a.m.
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Use of Mandatory Overtime at State Facilities
- Agenda - 5/18/16 (PDF)
- Little Hoover Commission Report, Time and Again: Overtime in State Facilities (PDF)
- May 18, 2016, Joint Informational Hearing Audio
Wednesday, March 2, 2016, State Capitol, Room 444, 10 a.m.
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Achieving Employee Wellness in the State Workforce
- Agenda - 3/2/16 (PDF)
- Healthier U: Status Report on State Pilot Program (PDF)
- Wellness in Action: Models in the Field. Cassandra Lichnock, Chief Operating Officer, CalSTRS (PDF)
- March 2, 2016, Joint Informational Hearing Video
Wednesday, July 8, 2015, State Capitol, Room 444, 10 a.m.
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Incorporating Equal Employment Opportunity into State Civil Service Improvements
- Agenda - 7/8/15 (PDF)
- July 8, 2015, Joint Informational Hearing Video
Wednesday, March 18, 2015, State Capitol, Room 444, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Joint Informational Hearing - Subject: Policy Implications of Mandating High Deductible Healthcare Plans in the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA)
- Agenda - 3/18/15 (PDF)
- USC Schaeffer Report, High Deductible Healthcare Plans (Power Point Presentation)
- LAO Report, State Employee Health Benefits: Policy Implications of Offering a High Deductible Health Plan (PDF)
- March 18, 2015, Joint informational Hearing Video
Wednesday, March 4, 2015, State Capitiol, Room 3191, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Joint Information Hearing - Subject: Orientation and Report of the California Actuarial Advisory Panel
- Agenda - 3/04/15 (PDF)
- Report on State Actuarial Valuation (Power Point Presentation)
- March 4, 2015, Joint Informational Hearing Video