Select Committee on the Social Determinants of Children’s Well-Being
Hearing 3
Past, Present, & Future: Immigration in Los Angeles & California's Investments in Immigrant Children
October 24, 2019
Holman United Methodist Church
3320 West Adams Blvd., Los Angeles
- Agenda 10/24/19 - English [pdf]
- Agenda 10/24/19 - Spanish [pdf]
- Agenda 10/24/19 - Korean [pdf]
- Agenda 10/24/19 - Mandarin [pdf]
- Speaker's Biographies [pdf]
- Background Writeup [pdf]
- Rights, Protections, Benefits, and Resources for Undocumented Immigrants from Senate Office of Research - English [pdf]
- Rights, Protections, Benefits, and Resources for Undocumented Immigrants from Senate Office of Research - Spanish [pdf]
- Los Angeles Immigration History, Immigrant Integration and Recent Federal Immigration Changes [pdf]
- Immigration Services Program Update from California Department of Social Services [pdf]
- San Diego Rapid Response Network Handout [pdf]
- San Diego Rapid Resonse Network: Case for Funding [pdf]
- AB 1324 Fact Sheet [pdf]
- Video of Hearing
Hearing 2
An Informational Hearing About The Healthcare Workforce Shortage and Social Determinants in the Central Valley
July 15, 2019
Fresno City Hall, Council Chambers, 2nd Floor
2600 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721
- Agenda 07/15/19 - English [pdf]
- Agenda 07/15/19 - Spanish [pdf]
- Agenda 07/15/19 - Hmong [pdf]
- Speaker's Biographies [pdf]
- Background Paper 07/15/19 [pdf]
- Slidedeck: California's Health Workforce Challenges: Focus on Primary Care and Behavioral Health [pdf]
- KIND - Description of Organization and Work [pdf]
- A Timeline of How the Trump Administration is Rolling Back Protections for Children [pdf]
- Video of Hearing