Oversight Hearing: The Check is in the Mail: The State’s Cumbersome In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Payroll Process is Unresponsive to Needs of IHSS Providers and Recipients
November 1, 2016
Joint Oversight Hearing with Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health and Human Services:
A Failure of Oversight: Misuse of Psychotropic Medications on California’s Foster Children
September 26, 2016
- 09/26/2016 Agenda (pdf)
- 09/26/2016 Background Paper (pdf)
- 09/26/2016 (Chart) Attatchment A: CDSS Foster Care by DHCS System (pdf)
- 09/26/2016 California State Auditor Report 2015-131 (pdf)
Joint Oversight Hearing with Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 3 on Health and Human Services:
A Defining Moment: Considering the Closure of Developmental Centers and Its Impact on Residents, Families and the Regional Center System
February 23, 2016
Joint Oversight Hearing with Assembly Human Services Committee: The 2016-2017 Community Services Block Grant State Plan
August 25, 2015
- 08/25/15 Agenda (pdf)
- 08/25/15 Background Paper (pdf)
- 2016-2017 Community Services Block Grant State Plan Briefing (pdf)
- 2016-2017 Community Services Block Grant State Plan (pdf)
Psychotropic Medication and Mental Health Services for Foster Youth: Seeking Solutions for a Broken System
August 11, 2015
- 08/11/15 Agenda (pdf)
- 08/11/15 Background Paper (pdf)
- 02/24/15 Background Paper (pdf)
- 04/09/15 Report: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee #3 (pdf)
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: Waiver Approval (pdf)
Joint Informational Hearing: Planning and Preparing for the Looming Financial Risks for Long-Term Services and Supports: Who's Ready?
April 7, 2015
Joint Oversight Hearing: Welfare to Work: Oversight of California's CalWORKs Program
March 10, 2015
- 03/10/15 Agenda (pdf)
- 03/10/15 Background Paper (pdf)
- 03/10/15 L.A.O. Report - Welfare to Work: Recent Program Changes and Trends (pdf)
Joint Oversight Hearing: Misuse of Psychotropic Medication in Foster Care: Improving Child Welfare Oversight and Outcomes within the Continuum of Care
February 24, 2015
Informational Hearing: The Lanterman Act: Promises and Challenges
October 9, 2014
- 10/09/14 - Agenda (pdf)
- 10/09/14 - Background Paper (pdf)
- 10/09/14 L.A.O.Overview of Major DDS Budget Solutions Affecting the
Community Caseload—2003-04 to 2014-15
Joint Oversight Hearing: CalFresh: Highlighting Innovation to Target Key Communities
March 11, 2014
- 3/11/14 - Agenda (pdf)
- 3/11/14 - Background Paper (pdf)
- 3/11/14 - L.A.O. CalFresh Program Overview (pdf)
Joint Oversight Hearing: Increasing Accountability in Assisted Living Facilities:
State Oversight of Care in Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly
February 11, 2014
- 2/11/14 - Agenda (pdf)
- 2/11/14 - Background Paper (pdf)
- State Licensed Residential Facilities for Adults (pdf)
Joint Oversight Hearing: The 2014 - 2015 Community Services Block Grant State Plan
August 20, 2013
- 8/20/13 - Agenda (pdf)
- 8/20/13 - Background Paper (pdf)
- Community Services Block Grant State Plan Briefing (pdf) -Department of Community Services and Development
- Draft California CSBG State Plan and Application (pdf) - Department of Community Services and Development
Informational Hearing: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors: Policy Considerations for the Child Welfare System May 14, 2013
- 5/14/13 - Agenda (pdf)
- 5/14/13 - Background Paper (pdf)
- Report (pdf)- Ending the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children - California Child Welfare Council
- Power Point Presentation - Approaches to Address the Needs of Commercially Sexually Exploited Children- County Welfare Directors Association
- Watch a video of the hearing: Part 1
- Watch a video of the hearing: Part 2
Joint Informational Hearing: Senate Human Services Committee and Assembly Human Services Committee
The Real Face of California’s Poor: Interpreting the New Federal Poverty Measure
March 12, 2013
- 3/12/13 - Agenda [pdf]
- 3/12/13- Background Paper [pdf]
- Report- The Reasearch Supplemental Poverty Measure 2011- United States Census Bureau
- Power Point Presentation- Children, Families and Poverty- UC Davis Center for Poverty Research
Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Human Services Committee and Subcommittee No. 3 of the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review:
A System In Transition: California's Developmental Centers
October 23, 2012
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Report-Milestones For Closure of Lanterman Developmental Center
- LAO Handout- Funding and Oversight of State Developmental Centers
Informational Hearing: Seniors and Hunger: Failing to Reach California's
Vulnerable Elderly
August 14, 2012
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Report: An Opportunity to Boost Senior Participation in CalFresh
- Senior Hunger in America 2010: An Annual Report
Informational Hearing: In home Supportive Services (IHSS) Integration into Medi-Cal Managed Care: Policy Considerations
March 27, 2012
Informational Hearing: Examining Law Enforcement Practices within State Developmental Centers,
March 13, 2012
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Report, Commissioned by the Office of the Attorney General:
Policing in the Department of Developmental Services: A Review of the Organization and Operations. - California State Law Enforcement Associations Office of Protective Services
Minimum Content and Hourly Requirements: Specialized Investigators' Basic Course - California State Law Enforcement Associations Office of Protective Service
Chain of Command - California Watch Article February 23, 2012
- DDS New Oversight Measures
Testimony of Leslie Morrison, Directing Attorney Disability Rights California Investigation Unit
Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate Human Services and Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services: Falling Behind: The Impact of the Great Recession and the Budget Crisis on California's Women and Their Families,
February 1, 2012
- Agenda
- Executive Summary
- Final Report
- Witness Testimony by The California National Organization for Women
Joint Oversight Hearing: Senate and Assembly Human Services Committees: The 2012-2013 Community Services Block Grant State Plan, August 16, 2011
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- CSBG Briefing Paper
- Bureau of State Audits report
- State Plan
- CSBG Letter
- Final Transcript
Joint Oversight Hearing: Oversight of California’s Regional Centers: Ensuring integrity, transparency, and best practices in a challenging fiscal environment, November 4, 2010.
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Bureau of State Audits report
- Department of Developmental Services directives
- Panelist 1: Elaine Howle
- Panelist 2: Terri Delgadillo
- Panelist 3: Bob Baldo
- Panelist 4: Carol Fitzgibbons
- Panelist 5: Catherine Blakemore
- Panelist 6: Marcia Good
- Panelist 7: David Mulvey
- Panelist 8: Barbara Maizie
- Panelist 9: Boyd Bradshaw
- Transcript of hearing (coming soon)
- Video link (coming soon)
Public Testimony
- Testimony of Area Board 9
- Testimony of Area Board 10
- Testimony of Bob Watson
- Questions from Connie Frenzel
- Testimony of Denis McGrath
- Testimony of Fernando Gomez
- Testimony of Janice Brown
- Testimony of Karol Scotta
- Testimony of Michael Bailey
- Testimony of Molly Dillon
- Testimony of PCS
- Testimony of Sheryl Logan
- Testimony of Tamera Leighton
- Questions from Thomas Comport
Informational Hearing: Maximizing Federal Funds for Human Services, Tuesday, March 9, 2010
- Audio
- Agenda
- Background Paper
- Attach 1A. Mark McMullen testimony
- Attach 2. Todd Bland testimony
- Attach 3. Phil Ansell testimony
- Attach 4. Aaron Phanco testimony
- Attach 5A. John Wancheck testimony
- Attach 5B. EITC policy-basics
- Attach 5C. EIC--CTC Benefits 2009
- Attach 5D. EIC Factsheet
- Attach 5E. CTC Factsheet
- Attach 6A. Avalos Alley slides
- Attach 6B. Avalos-Alley study
- Attach 7A. CFPIC Beacon report09
- Attach 7B. CWDA CSAC report
- Attach 7C. TANF ECF Programs by County
- Attach 7D. Liufederal funds 2-19
Informational Hearing: Long-Term Care, Tuesday, Februaruy 23, 2010
Joint Informational Hearing: Future of Long-Term Care, Tuesday, January 26, 2010
- Agenda
- Video
- Background Paper
- Attach 1A. HCBLTC Final Report
- Attach 1B. HCBLTC Final Report Executive Summary
- Attach 1C. HCBLTC Recommendations Cover
- Attach 1D. HCBLTC Recommendations Overview
- Attach 1E. HCBLTC Recommendations
- Attach 2. LAO CC_LTC_Figure2_Funding_and_Caseload
- Attach 3A. SOR LTC Health programs
- Attach 3B. SOR LTC aging programs
- Attach 4. CRB Review of LTC
- Attach 5A. CHHSA CaMRI Overview
- Attach 5B. CHHSA LTC Service Pic - KW
- Attach 6. Leslie Hendrickson testimony
- Attach 7. Anne Hinton testimony
- Attach 8. Pam Smith testimony
- Attach 9A. Jackie McGrath testimony
- Attach 9B. McGrath exhibit 1
- Attach 9C. McGrath exhibit 2
- Attach 10. Dave Helmsin testimony
- Attach 11. 2008 Medi-Cal_65 Discharges