Hmong Refugee Resettlement in California
November 16, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- For more information, check the following links:
Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum: Hmong in the United States (pdf)
Proposition 63: Mental Health Services Expansion, Funding.
Tax on Personal Incomes Above $1 Million
September 22, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Legislative Analyst Office Analysis of Prop. 63
- For more information, check the following links:
Health and Human Services Agency Pharmacy Assistance Proposal
September 21, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- For more information, check the following link:
Written Testimony Gary Passmore (Word)
Proposition 71: Stem Cell Research, Funding, Bonds.
Initiative Constitutional Amendment and Statute
September 15, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript Index (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- For more information, check the following links:
Legislative Analyst's Office summary (pdf)
Economic Analysis of Proposition 71 by Laurence Baker and Bruce Deal (ppt)
Proposition 71 Text (pdf)
Medi-Cal Redesign
August 11, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
For more information, check the following links:
Antidepressants and the Risk of Suicide
August 4, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- For more information, check the following links:
Preliminary Report of the Task Force on SSRIs & Suicidal Behavior in Youth
Lead Content in Mexican Candy: A Serious Threat?
June 3, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- Toxic Treats Investigation and Series by the Orange
County Register:
Visit the Orange County Register for the following articles:
- -Call for Action on Tainted Treats, May 22, 2004
-Vendors of Tainted Candies to be Sued, May 13, 2004
-Candy Maker Wants Industry to Eliminate Lead, May 11, 2004
-Word on Toxic Candy Spreads Quickly in County, May 2, 2004
-Officials Vow Action on Tainted Candies, May 1, 2004
-Focus: Health, April 10, 2004
Other Newspaper Articles
- Some Shrug Off Candy Warning, The Californian, April 20, 2004
- Candies Pulled from Shelves Because of Lead, Choking Hazards,
Associated Press, February 23, 2002 - Candy from Mexico Suspected in 150 Cases of Lead Poisoning
in California, San Diego Union-Tribune, August 9, 2002 - Lead Found in Two Mexcan Candies; More Testing Expected,
San Diego Union-Tribune, July 10, 2002 - Lead Found in Two Mexcan Candies; But Officials Seek
More Testing, San Diego Union-Tribune, July 4, 2002 - Tamarind-Flavored Candy Tainted with Lead, Agency Warns,
San Diego Union-Tribune, April 27, 2001
Federal and State Health Advisorieson Imported Candy:
- Related Report - Center for Disease Control
Public Health: Will California Rise to the Challenge?
June 2, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- For more information, check the following:
Partnership for Public Health Summary (pdf)
Little Hoover Commission Report (pdf)
Testimony by participants:
Issues Within Adult Day Health Care
May 12, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- For more information, check the following:
History of Adult Day Health Care in California (Word)
Bureau of State Audits: Summary Report (Word)
Background information provided by participants:
- Kate Wilber: Adult Day Health Care (PowerPt)
- Federal Medicaid Waiver for Adult Day Health Care (Word)
- Bureau of State Audits: Oversight of Long-Term Care Programs (pdf)
Oversight Hearing on the Administration’s Budget
Proposal to Repeal SB 322
May 5, 2004
State and Local Governments' Role in Preventing and Mitigating Environmental
Health Risks in California Schools
March 12, 2004
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background(Word)
- For more information, check the following:
Erin Brockovich & Edward Masry: Beverly Hills Ignores Belmont's Toxic Lessons
Associated Press: Erin Brockovich's firm files third suit against Beverly Hills
Illustration of Venoco facility and Beverly Hills High School
Lyme Disease: Issues in Diagnosis and Reporting
February 25, 2004 Hearing in Sacramento
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- For more information, check the following:
Testimony by participants:
- Ron Keith(ppt)
- Mark Starr(Word)
- Chris Parlier (Word)
- Charise Ott (Word)
- Raphael Stricker (Word)
- Steven Harris (ppt)
- Dean Blumberg (Word)
- Jyotsna Shah (ppt)
Impact of the Federal Medicare Prescription Drug Bill
February 18, 2004 Hearing in Sacramento
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- For more information on, check the following:
Testimony by participants:
- Michelle Kitchman(ppt)
- Jeff Flick(Word)
- Robert Miller (Word)
- Stan Rosenstein (Word)
- Kathy Copelin (Word)
- Naomi Young (Word)
Women in Pain: Trends and Implications of Underdiagnosis of Chronic
Pain in Female Patients
February 4, 2004 Hearing in Sacramento
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background(Word)
- For more information, check the following:
Testimony by participants:
SARS and West Nile Virus: Is California Ready for Emerging Public Health Threats?
January 8, 2004 Hearing in Sacramento
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Background (Word)
- For more information, check the following:
- Testimony by participants:
- Dr. Kevin Reilly Richard Watson/Jeff Rubin
- Dr. Poki Stewart Namkung
- Dr. Ann Lindsey
- Dennis Ferrero
- John Rusmisel
- Frank Maas
- William Mitchell
- Dr. Ann Lindsey - Little Hoover Commission Report
- Dr. Joan Denton
Governor Schwarzenegger's Proposed Mid-Year Reductions in
Health and Human Services Programs
December 15, 2003 Hearing in Los Angeles
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Final Summary of Bills Heard by the Committee in the 2003
Legislative Session - Table of Contents (Word)
- Summaries of Significant SENATE and ASSEMBLY Bills (Word)
- All SENATE Bills Heard by the Committee (Word)
- All ASSEMBLY Bills Heard by the Committee(Word)
Possible Interference in the Scientific Review of Chromium VI Toxicity
April 2, 2003 Hearing in Sacramento
Possible Interference in the Scientific Review of Chromium VI Toxicity February 28, 2003 Hearing in Los Angeles
Breast Cancer and the Environment: 2nd Informational Hearing October 23, 2002 Hearing
- Agenda (Word)
- Transcript (Word)
- Recommendations from Breast Cancer Summit (Word)
For more information on Breast Cancer, check the following links: - Testimony by participants:
- Jeanne Rizzo (Word)
- Ana Soto (Word)
- Karen Holly (Word)
- Pat Buffler, PhD, MPH(Word)
- Lisa Wanzor (Word)
- Donna Vivio, CNM, MPH, MS (Word)
- Felix Aguilar, MD, MPH (Word)
- Ray Neutra, MD (Word)
- Jeanne Rizzo (Word)