Studies and Reports
Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas - Final August 2016
Statewide Advisory for Eating Fish from California Coastal Locations without Site-Specific Advice
2015 CalTrans Fish Passage Annual Report to the California State Legislature and transmittal letter
Fisheries of the United States, 2015 - NOAA fishery statistics for the United States
NOAA - Commercial Fishery Statistics - Infographics
Toxins from freshwater algae found in San Francisco Bay shellfish
California Dungeness Crab Fishing - 2016-17 Best Practices Guide to Minimize Whale Entanglement Risk
Whale Entanglement Response Training – On the Cutting Edge
SF Bay Freshwater-Starved Estuary
Status and trends of dam removal research in the United States
Understanding the economic value of angling on Clear Lake – A profile of a famous Lake
Watershed Degradation Costs Global Cities $5.4 Billion in Water Treatment Annually
First evidence of ocean acidification's impact on reproductive behavior in wild fish
Beaver in California - Creating a Culture of Stewardship
Upper Eel River Temperature Monitoring Virtual Tour
Falling fish catches could mean malnutrition in the developing world
Study finds native Olympia oysters more resilient to ocean acidification
A Practitioner's Guide to Instream Flow Transactions in California
Fisheries Economics of the United States, 2014
California Spiny Lobster Fishery Management Plan - Final April 2016
2015-16 Herring Season Overview
Shellfish response to ocean acidification may vary depending on other stressors
State Releases Summary Report on Refugio Oil Spill
West Coast scientists urge immediate action to combat ocean acidification
What lies behind the dam? In some cases, self-sustaining salmon
A single generation of domestication heritably alters the expression of hundreds of genes
Salmon carcasses influence genetic linkages between forests and streams
Successful Salmon Homing Requires Both Olfactory Imprinting, Geomagnetic Navigation
OSU/NOAA study: Warm-water years are tough on juvenile salmon
The more humanely a fish is killed, the better it tastes
Length and Condition of Wild Chinook Salmon Smolts Influence Age at Maturity
NMFS Fisheries of the United States, 2014
CDFW Steelhead Report and Restoration Card Program 2006-11 (2015)
Baseline Monitoring of Northern California's Marine Protected Areas - A Status Report
Report of the NMFS/PFMC workshop on Pacific Sardine Distribution
NMFS Coastal Multispecies Recovery Plan - Press Release and links
Public Draft - NMFS Coastal Multispecies Recovery Plan - published Federal Register
DFW Progress Report to the F&G Commission - Recovery Strategy for California Coho Salmon 2004-2012
DFW Final 2014 Commercial Landings and CPFV Reports
Draft NMFS FY 2016-2020 Strategic Plan for Marine Aquaculture
Latest News
Will Klamath River Salmon Thrive Again After Dams Are Gone?
Close to Home: Salmon need their fair share of water
Fear for endangered winter-run salmon cools slightly
Chinook salmon spawning season improves
Groundfish plan is crucial to Fort Bragg’s economic future
Dungeness crab commercial season cleared to start next week
As Fresh As It Gets: A Fish Market Run by Local Fishermen
Wrong turn steers Chinook salmon into TID main canal
Pescadero: More steelhead deaths frustrate residents
New virus infected brains of last year’s Eel River salmon run
New $12 million Russian River fish ladder offers glimpse of salmon recovery efforts
Recreational Dungeness Crab Season to Open Statewide Nov. 5 - DFW release 11-2-2016
New Recreational Dungeness Crab Trap Regulations in Place
Why It’s Harder Than You’d Think to Serve Local Seafood in California
Hey, Looks Like Americans Are Finally Eating More Fish
Obama charting course on Pacific fish farming
Removal of Klamath Dams Would Be Largest River Restoration in U.S. History
To Protect Native Culture, Bring Back the Salmon
San Diego’s Commercial Fishing Industry Skeptical Of Massive Port Makeover
Pinole Creek fix frees steelheed to reach spawning grounds
More Pacific hatchery salmon could receive protections
Regulators propose leaving more water in California’s rivers
Salmon Still Under Threat Due to Mechanical Issues at Shasta Dam
California Dungeness Crab Fishing - 2016-17 Best Practices Guide to Minimize Whale Entanglement Risk
New grants seek solutions to West Coast whale entanglements
Scientists, fishermen fight to save leatherback sea turtles
Project underway to prevent straying of adult Sacramento River salmon
Matilija Dam one step closer to coming down
CDFW to Host Public Hearing on New Regulations for Unmanaged Forage Fish
New Recreational Dungeness Crab Regulations Aim to Reduce “Ghost Fishing” and More
Napa fish montoring shows mixed results for salmon, trout
Nature: Sonoma County beavers are watershed heroes
Studies focus on acidic ocean impact on Dungeness crabs
California is cracking down to prevent illegal fishing off the coast
‘Milestone’ moment: Klamath River dam removal plan submitted to feds
An era of limits: California proposes steering more water to fish, less to farms, cities
Bathrobe biologists can study Sacramento Valley salmon from home
California's native salmon struggling in 5th year of drought
Feds, tribes react to Trinity water releases
Second Klamath Salmon Fishing Quota Met; Catch Now Subject to Size Restriction
Deadly gill parasite detected on Klamath River salmon
Spring-run salmon getting new route around waterfall
Feds to take new look at Delta, endangered fish species
Harmful Algae, Spotted Alaska, It is intoxicate Marina Mammals
Salmon River spring-run Chinook survey shows half of average run size
Feds sued over Klamath River salmon parasite outbreaks
After the dams come down: Klamath Basin stakeholders seek to resurrect water sharing agreements
Low flows, low run expected for Klamath River salmon this fall
North Coast kelp beds ‘like a desert’ this year
Black Market Caviar Threatens California's Giant Fish
Humpback, blue whales storm Monterey Bay
Dam removal plan to feds by end of 2016?
‘Condor Time’ for Central California Coast Coho Salmon
Dam good! Beavers may restore imperiled streams, fish populations
U.S. Commerce Department announces 2016 regional fishery council appointments
Yurok, Karuk tribes threaten feds with lawsuit over Klamath salmon
20,000 salmon fingerlings released into local creeks
Fish update: Threatened spring-run chinook are ready to be counted
How plans to save fish species could cut summer water supply
Spiny lobster and squid lead California's fishing economy, says new report
Understanding predation impacts on Delta native fishes
Salmon, facing trouble in streams, catch a ride to the Pacific
Hoopa tribe to sue feds over Klamath River salmon protection
Monterey squid season basically a bust
Should California's striped bass be vilified as native-fish killers?
Fishermen fly in search of entanglements
CDFW Rescue Efforts Save Listed Salmon, Steelhead and Sturgeon
Annual Quarantine of Sport-Harvested Mussels in California Begins May 1
Marin group’s bill to phase out gill nets moves forward in Legislature
Increased pulse flows for fish begin on Stanislaus River
Salmon Seasons Set for Ocean and Inland Waters - DFW release
Trinidad crab tests to determine commercial opener
Possible Recreational Razor Clam Closure in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties
CDPH Reminds of Warning on Razor Clams from Humboldt and Del Norte Counties
West Coast fisheries are at risk as climate change disturbs the ocean's chemistry
PFMC Announces 2016 Salmon Seasons
Sardine numbers remain low, 2016 fishing remains closed
California salmon season cuts planned to protect struggling fish
Millions Of Chinook Salmon Released Into Northern California Waterways
'Until the sun sets' - The Klamath River's new path towards dam removal
This Will Be the Biggest Dam-Removal Project in History
Wild and harnessed, Eel River a vital, troubled North Coast watershed
Deal set to raze 4 dams on Klamath
Dam removal announcement: 'Implications all over the world'
Dam removal deal signed by top federal, state officials
Small Fish Eaten by Bigger Species Protected on West Coast
"Perfect Storm" Decimates Northern California Kelp Forests
NOAA's Fishery Finance Program receives $100 million - now accepting loan applications
Commercial fishers need water for their 'crops', too
South Bay lawmaker will introduce bill to phase out controversial drift gill nets
Salmon Outlook: Less Fish, Less Fishing
Sacramento River Closure to Go Into Effect April 1 - DFW release
Community Supported Fisheries: A better way to buy fish?
Recreational Ocean Salmon Season to Open South of Horse Mountain on April 2
Proponents say new Klamath dam pact is legal, beneficial
March storm brightens future of winter-run Chinook salmon
Troubled Waters: California salmon season facing big restrictions
Salmon season faces significant cuts
San Francisco Bay Commercial Herring Season Closes Today
Crescent City Harbor: Rebuilt port can weather similar events
Pulling pots - for a different reason
Bill aims to give crab industry $138 million in disaster relief
Nonprofit created to take hold of Klamath dams targeted for removal
Public meeting on new Klamath agreement set in Sacramento
Lessons for California as a dam falls and a river moves
Dwindling salmon put fishing season in peril
Sacramento and Klamath River salmon ocean abundance forecasts are down in 2016
Forecasters predict tepid salmon season off North Coast
Anglers, Management Agencies Grapple with Poor 2016 Salmon Forecasts
Devastated salmon population likely to result in fishing restrictions
Anglers brace for restrictions in 2016 salmon season
Herring Headache: The Big Obstacles to Eating Small Fish In California
Endangered fish released into Sacramento River
Disappearance of California's Wild Salmon Threatens State's Ecosystems
CDFW to Host Public Meetings on Ocean Salmon Fisheries
Nominations Sought For Recreational Abalone Advisory Committee
Parties Agree to New Path to Advance Klamath Agreement
Klamath River Agreement in Principle
Northern California salmon run devastated, again, by drought
Feds: Winter salmon run nearly extinguished in California drought
FDA bans imports of genetically engineered salmon - for now
Funding Now Available for Fisheries Restoration Projects in Central Valley
Halibut Commission Announces 2016 Catch Limits and Seasons
San Francisco Bay Pacific Herring update 1-28-2016
Aquaculture: the next great Monterey County frontier?
Land-based salmon farm on Vancouver Island nears economic viability
Public Meeting to be Held on Proposed Closure of Part of Sacramento River
Public at Arcata meeting unified in desire for Klamath dam removal
PacifiCorps Pursues Dam Removal After Collapse of Klamath Legislation
River Activists and Tribes Prepare for Water Board Public Hearings in Orleans, Arcata and Yreka
Marin rain boosts reservoirs and fish population
To Save Its Salmon, California Calls in the Fish Matchmaker
HSU studies to examine how Eel River dams impact salmon
NOAA Expands Opportunities for U.S. Aquaculture
Marin coho returned to Muir Woods creek after protective hiatus at hatchery
Demise of Klamath River deal may re-kindle old water-use battles
CDFW to Hold Public Meeting on Klamath River Sport Fishery
U.S. tuna fishing fleet to be shut out of vast area of Pacific Ocean in fee dispute
Coho salmon benefit from dam removal on San Mateo County coastal creek
Rain-driven salmon run in Marin brings hope, but coho still hurting
Sidetracked salmon rescued, released into Sacramento River
American River Steelhead Numbers Rebound From Last Season
Flowing again, Russian River's creeks open for spawning coho
Salmon runs stronger than expected on many rivers despite drought
California drought regulators back off controversial salmon-rescue plan
State sets minimum lake levels in attempt to save salmon
Conserving Chinook salmon at the southern end of their range: Challenges and opportunities
Salmon thrive in some places like Stanislaus River, struggle in others
How a stunning Klamath Basin water agreement has been doomed by lawmakers
Klamath Basin water accords crumble as Congress fails to act
Whales entangled at an alarming rate along California coast
Ocean acidification poses a threat to world's oceans
Draft 2015 Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas Now Available Online
California mulls new plan to save imperiled salmon
Egg injection may be a tool of the future for saving salmon
Putah Creek as a salmon stream? Believe it
Draft 2015 Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas Now Available Online
Klamath dam removal efforts to continue if historic agreements fail
Marin coastal waters under review as part of state program
Eel River flows still too low in peak salmon spawning period
El Nino Impacts on Northern California Fishing
Projects stall after feds allow fish farming in open ocean
El Nino pushes California's calamari landings down
Celebrating World Fisheries Day
Calif. Drought Adds To The Perils Of Endangered Chinook Salmon
CDPH letter to Commercial Fisherman of Santa Barbara - 11-18-2015
Genetically Engineered Salmon Approved for Consumption
If the GMO salmon is as good as its' maker says, why not label it?
Marin congressman calls SF State 'conniving' as talks fail on Tiburon salmon program
CDFW to Host Public Meetings Regarding Groundfish Management for 2017-2018
Speaker Atkins' Pacific to Plate Bill Signed by Governor
Ocean activists fishers and scientists differ on heavy anchovy declines
D.B. Pleschner: Anchovy collapse simply a manufactured "crisis"
Concern over anchovy numbers prompt plan for new stock assessment
Salmon on a Record Run to Nowhere
Possible Delay of Nov. 7, 2015 Recreational Dungeness Crab Season Opener
Crab toxicity levels still unsafe: state to vet fishing season delays
Toxic algae bloom could postpone Northern California crab season opener
Klamath Basin Water Deal Clicks Toward December Deadline
Big Trouble Looms For California Salmon - And For Fishermen
Sturgeon Tag Find Brings NOAA Scientists to California School
Feds: Winter salmon run nearly extinguished in California drought
Drought-driven salmon deaths could have far-reaching impact
Sport-harvested Mussel Quarantine Lifted along Parts of the California Coast
Nimbus Hatchery Fish Ladder to Open Nov. 2
CDFW Simplifies Steelhead Report and Restoration Card
Pacific Fisheries Management Council Newsletter
NOAA FishWatch goes mobile - Data Base for Fish and Sustainable Seafood
Endangered fish find unusual ally in rice farmers
DCTF Meeting Agenda for Oct. 26-27, 2015
Whale Entanglement - Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group - Final Recommendations 10-8-2015
Whale Entanglement - Dungeness Crab Fishing Gear Working Group - Meeting Summary 9-21-2015
Quarantined Shasta County Hatchery to Reopen
NOAA Funding to Predict Ocean Acidification Impacts
U.S. House Approves Jaime Herrera Beutler’s West Coast Crab Management Bill
Toxic road runoff kills adult coho salmon in hours, study finds
Scientists Try Radical Move To Save Bull Trout From A Warming Climate
Dying for abalone: Thrills and perils of diving for the slimy delicacy
Tribe files dam lawsuit amicus - Yuroks join Hoopa Valley effort against Klamath dams
National Seafood Month 2015 - A Message from NMFS
Landowners, Grape Growers, Government and Others Partner to Protect Juvenile Coho
Hey waiter, this fish tastes like plastic!
Klamath River fish health improves after flow increase
Salmon to swim above Shasta Dam for first time in nearly 80 years
More Salmon Headed Our Way thanks to Salmon Stamp Fund, GGSA Legislative Efforts
Aquaculture Awareness Week: 10 Facts About California Aquaculture
Meager salmon catch one of worst seasons for Sonoma County fishermen
California Whale Entanglement Discussion – August 20, 2015 - Summary of Key Themes
More than 155,000 trout die at American River Hatchery
Conservationist Zeke Grader, advocate for fish, dies
Feds scramble to avoid another mass salmon die-off in the Sacramento River
Whale Entanglement Workshop Aug. 20, 2015 - presentations link
From Dock to Dish: A New Model Connects Chefs to Local Fishermen
LA Chef Supplier Captain Ben, Wild Local Seafood Co & Seafood Issues – Part 2
Huge Fish Farm Planned in San Diego Aims to Fix Seafood Imbalance
NMFS Podcast: Fisheries in a Changing Climate
CDPH Warns Consumers Not to Eat Bivalve Shellfish Caught in Humboldt or Del Norte Counties
The drought's hidden victim: California's native fish
DCTF Executive Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 2, 2015 - Agenda posted
Oyster farmers worried as climate change lowers ocean pH
Whale Entanglement Discussion Set for August 20
Researchers Borrow Investment Strategy to Save Salmon Stock