Aquaculture Development Committee
Authorizing Statutes
Fish and Game Code 15700-15703
California Advisory Committee on Salmon and Steelhead Trout (CAC) - click here for more CAC information
Authorizing Statutes
1983 Senate Resolution No. 19 - Relative to salmon and steelhead trout fishery
1984 Statutes Chapter 1686 - CAC membership
California's Salmon and Steelhead -The Struggle to Restore an Imperiled Resource by A. Lufkin
Bill Kier's History of the CAC, Fisheries Forum and Fisheries Advocacy - 2009 presentation
Dungeness Crab Task Force
Authorizing Statutes
SB 1690 (Wiggins, 2008)
SB 369 (Evans, 2011)
Dungeness Crab Task Force
Dungeness Crab Task Force Charter
Whale Entanglement Working Group
Ocean Science Trust
Authorizing Statutes
California Ocean Resources Stewardship Act
Ocean Science Trust web site
California Ocean science Trust Progress Report: Covering the period of October 2012 through September 2014
Marine Life Protection Act
Master Plan for Marine Protected Areas - Final August 2016