Senator Ed Hernandez (Chair)
Senator Mike Morrell (Vice Chair)
Senator Joel Anderson
Senator Jim Beall
Senator Isadore Hall, III
Senator Mark Leno
Senator Mike McGuire
Senator Holly J. Mitchell
Senator Bill Monning
Senator John M. W. Moorlach
Senator Jim Nielsen
Senator Richard Pan
Senator Lois Wolk
Second Extraordinary Session Conference Committee on SBx2-2 (Hernandez) and ABx2-1 (Bonta): Conference Committee Hearing
Monday, February 22, 2016
Informational Hearing - Senate Public Health and Developmental Services Committee: Managed Care Organization Tax
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Second Extraordinary Session Conference Committee on SBx2-2 (Hernandez) and ABx2-1 (Bonta): Informational Hearing - Public Health Impacts of Tobacco Use in California: Problems and Solutions
Thursday, December 17, 2015, Elihu Harris State Office Building, Oakland, California
- To view a live stream of this hearing, click here:
- Agenda [PDF]
- Background Paper [PDF]
- Board of Equalization Presentation [PDF]
- Legislative Analyst's Office Report: Effects of Cigarette Taxes on Smoking Behavior [PDF]
- To view a summary of the proposed initiative from the Office of the Attorney General, click here:
Second Extraordinary Session Conference Committee on SBx2-2 (Hernandez) and ABx2-1 (Bonta): Informational Hearing - Managed Care Organization Tax Overview
Tuesday, December 1, 2015, Ronald Reagan State Building, Los Angeles, California
- To view a live stream of this hearing, click here:
- Agenda [PDF]
- Background Paper [PDF]
- Legislative Analyst's Office MCO Tax Overview [PDF]
- To view the statement from Health and Human Services Secretary Diana Dooley on the Managed Care Organization tax, click here:
Informational Hearing: Managed Care Organization Tax Options and Issues
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
- Agenda [PDF]
- Background Paper [PDF]
- California Health Insurance Enrollment by Sector, 2013-14 [PDF]
- California Health Insurers: Brink of Change Overview Powerpoint [PDF]
- California HealthCare Foundation Handout [PDF]
- Legislative Analyst's Office MCO Tax Flat versus Tiered Structure Analysis [PDF]
- California Association of Health Plans Letter [PDF]
Informational Hearing: Shoring up California's Public Health Care and Developmental Services Financing
Thursday, July 2, 2015
- Agenda [PDF]
- Legislative Analyst's Office - Medi-Cal Payment Issues [PDF]
- Legislative Analyst's Office - Overview of MCO Tax, Selected Other Tax Increase Options, and IHSS Issues [PDF]
- Legislative Analyst's Office - Overview of Developmental Services Issues [PDF]
- DHCS Responses [PDF]
- DHCS Responses: Accompanying Itemized Expenditures from the MCO Tax in the past [PDF]