Select Committee on Air Quality
To listen to an audio recording of Sen. Ted W. Lieu's Nov. 30, 2011 hearing on Santa Monica Airport, click HERE:
The following are links to recent scientific studies relating to the Select Committee's hearing on air pollution basics and the Santa Monica Airport:
- April 2011 - South Coast Air Quality Management District: Supplemental Monitoring Campaign at the Santa Monica Airport.
- August 2010 - South Coast Air Quality Management District: General Aviation Study.
- February 2010 - United States Environmental Protection Agency: Development and Evaluation of an Air Quality Modeling Approach for Lead Emissions from Piston-Engine Aircraft Operating on Leaded Aviation Gasoline.
- October 2009 - University of California, Los Angeles: Presentation of Aircraft Emission Impacts in a Neighborhood Adjacent to a General Aviation Airport in Southern California.
- June 1999 - Los Angeles Unified School District: Santa Monica Municipal Airport: A report on the generation and downwind extent of emissions generated from aircraft and ground operations.
The following are links to witness testimony as prepared for the Nov. 30, 2011 hearing in Santa Monica. To view their testimony, as submitted, click on their names below:
- Dr. Philip Fine - AQ 101; and airport study.
- Dr. John Radford Froines
- Dr. Suzanne Paulson
- Bill Piazza
- Martin Rubin
- Dr. Shahram Yazdani
- Dr. Kim-Chi T. Hoang