Please use this document to answer questions before you contact the committee staff. Thank you!
Support and Opposition letters are due no later than 12:00 pm on the Wednesday prior to the day that the bill is set for a hearing.
Here are the following ways you can submit a letter:
Electronically via the California Legislature Advocates Portal:
This portal is available to individuals, advocates, and lobbyists. You will have to create an account. Please see the Advocates Portal Reference Guide for more information.
Hand delivered to the committee office in State Capitol Room 405
Mailed to Senate Transportation Committee, California State Capitol, Room 405, Sacramento CA 95814
This committee does not accept emailed position letters. If you email the assistant or the consultants a letter, you will be redirected back to these three options.
In order to be reflected in the committee analysis, we must receive a letter directly to our office. Letters from organizations must be signed and on letterhead.
Please note:
Letters will only be listed in the analysis as support or oppose as we do not accommodate subsections. "Support if Amended" and "Letters of Concern" will be treated as no position and thus not reflected. "Oppose Unless Amended" will be listed as opposition.
It is not the policy of the committee to make sure your letters get to all the members of the committee. You are encouraged to send your letter to each member individually.
How can I testify at a hearing?
Anyone wanting to comment on the support or opposition of a bill on our agenda is welcome. We take two people to testify for each side as primary witnesses. If you wish to be a primary witness, please contact the Author’s office. After the primary witnesses, we ask that anyone else wishing to be recorded on the record state only name, their organization, and their position on the bill.
In what order will the bills be heard on hearing day?
We hear bills in file order. As is customary, any members of the committee that have bills on the agenda go at the end of other authors' presentations.
When does the committee have to have amendments on a bill being heard at the next bill hearing?
The amendments must be in leg counsel form and submitted to the committee no later than the Monday prior to the Tuesday the bill is set for hearing. We need the original signed by the author, plus 12 copies for a total of 13. Additionally, please email an electronic version of the amendments and the “in text” version to and
How can I get a video copy of a committee hearing?
All committee hearings are televised. If you would like to request a video copy of a hearing, please contact Senate TV directly at 916-651-1531. There is a small fee. Effective January 2014, you can view a video recording of the hearing at when it is televised.
How can I make an appointment to meet with one of the committee consultants?
Please call the committee’s direct line (916-651-4121) and ask to speak with the specific consultant. Each consultant schedules their own meetings. You are also welcome to drop by at your convenience; however, availability cannot be guaranteed.
When are the analyses available to the public?
Most often our analyses are available by Friday afternoon prior to the Tuesday hearing. The analyses are available electronically on Hard copies are available on the wall outside of the committee office in the Capitol, Room 405.
Who are the members of your committee and how can I contact them?
A complete list of the committee members and their staff contacts can be found under the “Member Roster” on the home page of our committee website.
When do urgency measures take effect?
Immediately after the Governor signs them.