"Bills Signed and Vetoed in 1996"
Measures Signed and Vetoed
Senator Milton Marks, Chair
Senator Daniel Boatwright, Vice Chair
Senator Ross Johnson
Senator Quentin Kopp
Senator Richard Polanco
Senator Diane Watson
Simon Haines, Chief Counsel; Alison Anderson,Counsel; Mary Kennedy, Counsel; Les Kleinberg,Counsel;
Sherry Geiogue, Consultant; Belinda Martinez, Consultant; Darrell Martin, Consultant;
Janet Sakata,Committee Secretary; Lynn Lorber, Secretary
October 1996
At my direction, the staff to the Senate Committee on Criminal Procedure has prepared this summary of bills sent to the Governor in 1996 pertaining to the committee’s subject-matter jurisdiction. It is my hope that this compilation of crime legislation will facilitate access to the new laws which were enacted this year. Most of the new laws will take effect on January 1, 1997.
Measures vetoed by the Governor are included to note the disparate view on some issues between the Legislature and the Governor. Moreover, most vetoed bills are reintroduced in one form or another in subsequent years.
The Senate Committee on Criminal Procedure existed for the first time this session. We considered the largest number of bills of any Senate policy committee. That workload is a reflection of the continuing interest and concern about crime in California.
All of the measures included in this summary are available from a variety of sources. Single copies of chaptered bills may be requested at no cost from the Legislative Bill Room, State Capitol, Room B-32, Sacramento, CA 95814. Their phone number is (916) 445-2323. Copies of vetoed bills are available until February, 1997.
I hope this legislative summary is useful to you as you prepare for 1997.
Senate Committee on Criminal Procedure
Table of Contents
AB 2153 (Kuehl): Chapter 882: Harmful Matter: Photographs of Minors.
AB 2258 (Kuykendall): Chapter 460: Child Abuse: Sentencing Enhancements.
AB 2936 (Cunneen): Chapter 988: Child Abduction.
AB 3215 (Hawkins): Chapter 1090: Child Abuse: Terms of Probation.
AB 3354 (Brown): Chapter 1081: Mandatory Reporting: Members of the Clergy.
SB 1369 (Kopp): Chapter 1132: Drug Offenses: Deferred Entry of Judgment.
* SB 1426 (Johnson): Chapter 109: Controlled Substances: Fenfluramine.
SB 1443 (Lockyer): Chapter 210: Substance Abuse: Parenting Class.
SB 1754 (Calderon): Chapter 867: Controlled Substances: Civil Liability.
SB 2164 (Hayden): Chapter 846: Controlled Substances: Flunitrazepam.
* AB 95 (Bowler): Chapter 956: Vehicles: Driver's License Suspension: Controlled Substances.
* AB 764 (Baca): VETOED: Controlled Substances: Drug Court Treatment Program.
AB 2710 (House): VETOED: Controlled Substances: Drug Court Programs.
AB 3042 (Takasugi): Chapter 738: Controlled Substances: Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (CURES): Prescription Blank Fees.
AB 3392 (Weggeland): Chapter 871: Controlled Substances: Manufacturing in Presence of Child: Sentencing Enhancements.
Local Corrections
* AB 2189 (Poochigian): Chapter 100: Tulare County Juvenile Facility.
AB 2448 (Alpert): Chapter 375: San Diego Domestic Violence Data Clearinghouse.
AB 2768 (Poochigian): Chapter 327: Tulare County Crime Prevention: Rural Crimes.
AB 2848 (Speier): Chapter 696: Abuse Reporting: San Mateo Pilot Project.
* AB 3116 (Brulte): Chapter 160: County Correctional Facilities: Youthful and Adult Offender Local Facilities Bond Act of 1996. (Prop. 205, 11/96)
* AB 3229 (Brulte): Chapter 134: Local Law Enforcement: Supplemental Funding.
SB 580 (Wright): Chapter 705: Parole: Restitution.
SB 1600 (Leonard): Chapter 212: Prisoners: Discretionary Release.
* SB 2177 (Kopp): Chapter 357: Parole: Discharge and Revocation.
AB 614 (Aguiar): Chapter 597: Prisoners: Parole.
AB 893 (Rogan): Chapter 719: Probation: Ineligibility.
AB 2284 (Boland): Chapter 868: Parole: Search and Seizure.
AB 2294 (Sweeney): Chapter 1103: Parole: Violent Offenders: Notification of Release Date.
AB 2328 (Hoge): Chapter 855: Parole: Violent Offenders: Notification of Release.
AB 2376 (Margett): Chapter 123: Probation: Reports.
AB 3093 (Villaraigosa): VETOED: Compassionate Release of Terminally Ill and Physically Incapacitated Inmates.
Prisons and Prisoners
SB 1221 (Calderon): Chapter 132: Prisoners: Civil Rights: Family Visits.
SB 1231 (Lewis): Chapter 598: Sentencing Credit: Murderers.
AB 344 (Ducheny): VETOED: Prisons: Work Programs.
AB 573 (Goldsmith): Chapter 803: Restitution: Prison Damage.
AB 881 (Rogan): Chapter 852: Prisoners: Frivolous Lawsuits: Vexatious Litigants.
AB 1325 (Boland): Chapter 805: Prisons: Reports to Legislature.
AB 2563 (Goldsmith): Chapter 866: Inmate Litigants.
* AB 3277 (Setencich): Chapter 744: Prisons.
AB 3378 (Brown): Chapter 1107: Correctional Institutions: Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
SB 1571 (Kopp): Chapter 354: Failure to Appear: Bail.
SB 1663 (Monteith): Chapter 628: Bail: Licensees.
AB 178 (Johnson): Chapter 51: Bail: General Assistance Checks.
AB 2491 (Boland): Chapter 94: Bail.
Courts and Court Officers
AB 1387 (Brulte): Chapter 642: Records: Criminal Convictions.
AB 2208 (K. Murray): Chapter 91: Criminal Trials: Prosecutors: Recusals.
* AB 2593 (Brewer): Chapter 583: Criminal Procedures: Extraordinary Costs: Reimbursement of Counties.
Criminal Procedure
SB 1379 (Peace): Chapter 1078: Arrest Warrants.
SB 1391 (Johnston): Chapter 1076: Criminal Procedure: Mental Competence.
SB 1630 (Polanco): Chapter 555: Criminal Procedure: Bench Warrants.
SB 1876 (Solis): Chapter 261: Evidence: Character Evidence.
AB 988 (Hawkins): Chapter 302: Criminal Procedure: Immunity.
AB 1137 (Baldwin): Chapter 421: Manslaughter: Sentencing.
* AB 2068 (Richter): Chapter 416: Evidence: Hearsay Exception.
AB 2144 (Goldsmith): Chapter 580: Murder and Manslaughter: Rebuttable Presumption of Non-criminal Death.
AB 2254 (Cunneen): Chapter 122: Criminal Procedure: Reinstatement of Proceedings.
AB 2483 (Firestone): Chapter 560: Evidence: Hearsay Exception.
Fees, Fines and Forfeitures
* SB 251 (Ayala): Chapter 389: Court-appointed Counsel: Registration Fees.
SB 1685 (Kopp): Chapter 629: Restitution.
*AB 1346 (Baldwin): Chapter 217: Civil Assessments.
AB 2069 (Tucker): Chapter 578: Courts: Penalty Assessments.
AB 2898 (Bowler): Chapter 1077: Victims of Crime.
Judges, Jurors and Witnesses
SB 1394 (Monteith): Chapter 105: Grand Juries.
* SB 2123 (Kopp): Chapter 636: Juries: Access to Jury Information.
AB 2296 (Gallegos): Chapter 67: Testimony of a Witness: Hypnosis.
AB 195 (Morrow): Chapter 1086: Criminal Procedure: Capital Cases.
AB 2008 (K. Murray): VETOED: State Public Defender’s Office: Duties.
AB 2082 (Conroy): Chapter 84: Execution of the Death Penalty.
SB 1444 (Solis): Chapter 1075: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
AB 2116 (Alby): Chapter 131: Warrantless Arrests.
AB 2170 (Knox): Chapter 851: Arrests.
AB 2224 (Kuehl): Chapter 904: Misdemeanor Battery Penalty: Restraining Orders.
AB 2231 (Kuehl): Chapter 1140: Warrantless Arrest: Domestic Violence.
AB 2353 (Alpert): Chapter 983: Parole Conditions for Persons Convicted of Domestic Violence.
AB 2647 (Kuehl): Chapter 1139: Domestic Violence: Custody and Protective Orders.
AB 2819 (Caldera): Chapter 695: Domestic Violence: Judicial Training.
SB 671 (Lewis): Chapter 128: Firearms: Dealers' Record of Sale.
SB 1374 (Peace): Chapter 924: Firearms.
AB 113 (W. Murray): Chapter 668: Firearms: Curios or Relics.
AB 632 (Katz): Chapter 787: Firearms: Increased Penalties: Anti-Street Crimes Act of 1995.
AB 635 (Bowler): Chapter 559: Firearms: Report on Use in Certain Crimes.
AB 2645 (Morrissey): Chapter 734: Security Services: Firearms.
AB 3136 (Miller): Chapter 845: Firearms: Minors.
AB 3314 (Baldwin): Chapter 1054: Weapons: Switchblade Knives.
AB 2057 (K. Murray): Chapter 419: Crimes: Places of Worship.
AB 1221 (Pringle): Chapter 804: Animals: Equines.
AB 3167 (Martinez): Chapter 381: Animals: Pets or Companions: Use as Food.
SB 1377 (Peace): Chapter 481: Technical Clean-up.
SB 1734 (Kelley): Chapter 355: Parental Liability: Home Supervision and Electronic Surveillance.
* SB 1760 (Lockyer): Chapter 133: Juvenile Crime Enforcement.
SB 1849 (Kelley): Chapter 1166: Tobacco: Purchase or Receipt by a Minor.
SB 1938 (Mountjoy): Chapter 599: School Notification: Sex Offenses.
SB 1985 (Dills): Chapter 485: School Crimes: Annual Report.
SB 2165 (Mountjoy): Chapter 843: Detention of Minors.
AB 2007 (K. Murray): Chapter 90: Subpoenas.
AB 2131 (W. Murray): Chapter 280: Youth Authority Education Authority.
AB 2188 (Granlund): VETOED: Tobacco: Penalties for Possession by a Minor.
AB 2312 (Woods): VETOED: Youth Authority Commitment Costs: Sliding Scale.
AB 2377 (Margett): VETOED: Juvenile Offender Education Programs.
AB 2447 (K. Murray): Chapter 1049: Juvenile Repeat Offender Program.
AB 2564 (Goldsmith): Chapter 733: San Diego Drug and Alcohol Program for Juveniles.
AB 2617 (Baca): Chapter 343: Disclosure of Juvenile Records.
AB 2686 (Kaloogian): Chapter 93: Juvenile Court: Jurisdiction.
AB 3050 (Hawkins): Chapter 520: Parental liability.
AB 3224 (Poochigian): Chapter 422: Confidentiality of Juvenile Records.
AB 3294 (Bordonaro): Chapter 745: Juvenile Records.
* AB 3369 (Bordonaro): Chapter 195: Youth Authority: Age Limit Reduction.
* AB 3492 (Frusetta): Chapter 200: School Violence Reduction Program.
SB 282 (Johannessen): VETOED: Public Safety Officers: Procedural Bill of Rights: Personnel Files.
SB 1205 (Hughes): Chapter 709: California Museum of Science and Industry.
SB 1672 (Rosenthal): Chapter 1066: Investigators: Department of Insurance.
* SB 1797 (Thompson): Chapter 1142: Peace Officers.
SB 2076 (Haynes): Chapter 486: Custodial Officers: Riverside and Kern Counties.
AB 134 (Rainey): Chapter 120: Sheriffs and Constables.
AB 574 (Villaraigosa): Chapter 950: Peace Officers: Training.
AB 1762 (Goldsmith): Chapter 1085: Indian Lands: Public Safety Services.
AB 2176 (Miller): Chapter 220: Peace Officers: Disciplinary Investigation.
AB 2637 (Bowler): Chapter 586: Peace Officers: False Claims.
AB 2651 (Hawkins): Chapter 143: Security Officers.
AB 2713 (Conroy): Chapter 1065: Public Utilities: Enforcement Actions.
AB 3064 (Hawkins): Chapter 591: Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training.
AB 3098 (Campbell): Chapter 743: Diversion: 5-Year Limitation: Peace Officer Applicants.
AB 3169 (Martinez): Chapter 65: Local Agencies: Law Enforcement.
AB 3434 (House): Chapter 1108: Peace Officers: Personnel Files.
Children and Minors
SB 2161 (Leslie): Chapter 461: Sexually Violent Offenses: Certificates of Rehabilitation.
AB 295 (Baldwin): Chapter 1080: Child Pornography: Reporting.
AB 1012 (Machado): Chapter 689: Sex Crimes Against Pupils: Sentencing.
AB 1734 (Frusetta): Chapter 1079: Obscene Matter: Minors.
AB 2014 (Boland): Chapter 130: Statute of Limitations: Sex Crimes Against Children.
AB 3339 (Hoge): Chapter 596: Chemical Castration.
SB 1378 (Peace): Chapter 909: Registered Sex Offenders: Re-registering.
* AB 1496 (Sher): Chapter 4: Sexually Violent Predators.
* AB 1562 (Alby): Chapter 908: Public Notifications of Registered Sex Offenders: “Megan’s Law.”
* AB 1901 (Alby): Chapter 129: Certificates of Rehabilitation.
AB 2017 (Escutia): Chapter 981: Sex Offenders: Certificates of Rehabilitation.
AB 2104 (Machado): Chapter 1026: Mentally Disordered Persons: Commitment to Facilities: Sex Offenders.
AB 2127 (Alby): Chapter 917: Sex Offenders: Registration.
AB 2949 (Harvey): Chapter 1019: Prostitution: Use of Vehicle.
* AB 3130 (Boland): Chapter 462: Sexually Violent Predators.
Statutory Rape
AB 1490 (Caldera): Chapter 789: Unlawful Intercourse with a Minor: Civil Penalties.
AB 81 (Napolitano): VETOED: Undocumented Persons: Intimidation.
AJR 48 (Conroy): Res. Chapter 24: Undocumented Persons.
AJR 58 (Firestone): Res. Chapter 23: Undocumented Persons: Treaties: Incarceration.
* SB 1367 (O’Connell): Chapter 488: Traffic Violations: Highways: Fines.
SB 1579 (Leonard): Chapter 224: Driving Under the Influence: Failure to Appear.
AB 749 (Kuykendall): Chapter 363: Vessels: Operating Under the Influence.
AB 1941 (Bordonaro): Chapter 880: Vehicle Registration: Confidential Records.
AB 1985 (Speier): Chapter 645: Driving Under the Influence: Reckless Driving: “Courtney’s Law.”
AB 1999 (Knight): Chapter 420: Peace Officers: Fleeing: Fines.
AB 2000 (Goldsmith): Chapter 690: Driving Under the Influence: Arrest: Penalties.
AB 2288 (Aguiar): Chapter 884: Motor Vehicle Speed Contest: Motor Vehicle Removal.
AB 3170 (Martinez): Chapter 660: Vehicle Theft.
AB 3316 (Tucker): Chapter 545: Drinking Driver Programs: Administration of Nonaddicting Medications.
* AB 3480 (Davis): VETOED: Driving Under the Influence: Chemical Testing Reports.
SB 1983 (Haynes): Chapter 1060: Victim Notification Program.
SB 318 (Solis): Chapter 873: Street Terrorism.
SB 623 (Peace): Chapter 1131: Crimes: Theft of Cable Television Signals.
SB 1502 (Kopp): Chapter 996: Income and Bank and Corporation Tax Laws: Bad Checks.
SB 1555 (Hayden): Chapter 865: Sperm, Ova, or Embryos: Use and Implantation Without Authorization.
SB 1558 (Marks): Chapter 861: Counterfeit Computer Software: Forfeiture.
SB 1701 (Hurtt): Chapter 630: Criminal Street Gangs.
SB 1992 (Calderon): Chapter 844: Criminal Gang Activity: Forfeiture.
AB 588 (Rainey): Chapter 423: Crimes: Assault: Battery: Public Transportation.
AB 1205 (Morrissey): Chapter 788: Crimes Against Seniors: Theft: Embezzlement: Extortion.
AB 2035 (Frusetta): Chapter 982: Street Terrorism.
AB 2051 (Alpert): Chapter 1020: Disorderly Conduct.
AB 2053 (K. Murray): Chapter 809: Money Laundering.
* AB 2097 (Battin): Chapter 646: Career Criminal Apprehension and Prosecution Programs.
AB 2125 (Figueroa): Chapter 790: Female Genital Mutilation.
* AB 2140 (Kuehl): Chapter 140: Consumer Products: Prohibited Writings.
AB 2191 (Cunneen): Chapter 121: Trade Secrets: Definition.
AB 2295 (Sweeney): Chapter 600: Graffiti: Abatement.
AB 2331 (Goldsmith): Chapter 918: Graffiti: Punishment: Exception.
AB 2433 (Harvey): Chapter 847: Graffiti: Freeway Graffiti: Penalties.
AB 3365 (Campbell): Chapter 561: Gang Violence Suppression.
SB 1438 (Kelley): Chapter 173: County Employees: Hiring Requirements.
* SB 1942 (O’Connell): Chapter 103: Tangible Personal Property: Secondhand Dealers.
AB 857 (Woods): Chapter 911: In-home Supportive Service Providers: Criminal Record Checks.
AB 2237 (W. Murray): Chapter 371: Cemeteries: Dead Bodies.
AB 2287 (Woods): Chapter 238: Walnut Burl: Theft.
AB 2573 (Bowler): VETOED: Motor Vehicle Fuel: Blending Components: Enforcement.
AB 2759 (Burton): Chapter 923: Tangible Personal Property.
SB 1519 (Johnson): Chapter 258: Department of Justice: Internet Directory.
AB 2112 (Goldsmith): VETOED: Board of Corrections: Composition.