Senate Committee on Health



***Upon calling in, you will be placed in a “waiting room” where you will be muted but you can listen to the committee hearing as you wait.***

A more detailed explanation of the teleconference instructions can be found by clicking the “Teleconference Instructions” 


How to Submit Support/Opposition Letters:


Submit Position Letter

Letters of support or opposition should be submitted to the Advocacy Portal by 3:00 p.m. seven calendar days prior to a scheduled hearing. Letters received after that deadline may not be reflected in the Committee analysis..

  • Letters from organizations must be on letterhead with signature and title of an official of the organization or designated representative.
  • Coalition letters must have logos, signatures, and titles for all organizations.
  • Letters of conditional support from organizations will not be listed on the analysis.
  • Letters from organizations  must clearly indicate position (letters containing "concern" may not be listed).
  • Submit letters only once unless bill is subsequently amended causing uncertainty as to the organization's present position.

For detailed directions on submitting a position letter:  Advocacy Quick Reference Guide



Submit Position Letter

After completing a one-time registration to obtain a username and password, log in to submit your position letter as a registered lobbyist, organization or individual seeking to communicate your views to the bill author’s staff as well as the committee that will be hearing the bill.

  • Select measure type, measure number and Session Type.
  • Click on the “Search” button.
  • Select the appropriate Committee
  • Select Your Stance
  • Input note message in the note box.
  • Complete the Captcha and select the “Submit” button
  • For detailed directions on submitting a position letter:  Advocacy Quick Reference Guide
  • Email:

Senate Health Committee

JURISDICTION: Bills relating to public health, alcohol and drug abuse, mental health, public and private health insurance and managed care, food safety, health facility licensing, prescription drugs, emergency medical services, and related institutions.
The Senate Committee on Health meets every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at 1021 O Street, Room 1200 (unless otherwise noted in the Daily File, due to COVID-19 restrictions).

Phone:  916-651-4111



Senator Richard Pan (Chair)
Senator Melissa A. Melendez (Vice Chair)
Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman
Senator Lena A. Gonzalez
Senator Shannon Grove
Senator Melissa Hurtado
Senator Connie M. Leyva
Senator Monique Limón
Senator Richard D. Roth
Senator Susan Rubio
Senator Scott D. Wiener

Committee Address
