Meth addiction in fish poses threat to ecosystem balance, study says
Researchers pull record-breaking 100-year-old white sturgeon from B.C. river
Owens Pupfish Given New Chance
Sharks almost went the way of the dinosaurs 19 million years ago
Reading the Bones: Ancient Chinook Salmon DNA Challenges Modern Assumptions
Baird Station: The First National Fish Hatchery
White crab found off Vancouver Island is never seen in Canada
UW researchers think a fish might be the answer to treating mood disorders, addiction
How do whales defy the odds of getting cancer? The answer is in their genes, new study says
Fangs and tentacles: rarely seen deep sea fish washes up on California beach
Drones show California's great white sharks are closer — and more common — than you think
Fish Sticks Make No Sense - How a weird 1950s finger food made it big
Design cohort overcomes obstacles to build a virtual Dungeness crab
Scientists stumbled onto toothy deep-sea "top predator," and named it after elite sumo wrestlers
Global warming is pushing great white sharks into dangerous new waters off California coast
Animation - Life Cycle of the Pacific Salmon
Exploring the mystery of California’s bioluminescent blooms
9,000 Eggs, 32 Dams, 4 Ocean Trips, 3-plus Redds & A Seal Bite: 1 Idaho Steelhead’s Story
Sea Grant California: Facts and Resources
Beaked Whale Shatters Record With 3 Hour 42 Minute Dive
How Scientists Learn What Lives in the Deep Ocean
Coronavirus: Half a million sharks 'could be killed for vaccine', experts warn
Nine Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Aquaculture
The incredible tale of a man who formed an unlikely bond with an octopus
Scientists Identify at Least 11 Fish Species That May Be Capable of Walking on Land
Q/A: How studying carcasses gives insight into California salmon populations
They were trying to save a species. Instead, scientists created a fish that's part sturgeon, part paddlefish, all accident
Creature Feature: Bigeye Tuna
12 shark facts that may surprise you
A Symphony of Sharks
Fish Tags Identify Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Broodstock
Age and Growth Homework: Determining How Old Fish Are
Local Fishermen Reel in Monster Squid Off the Humboldt Coast
Scientists Surprised When They Examine Stomach Contents of Great White Sharks and Find Out What They Really Eat
This fantastical sea creature helps remove planet-warming gases from the atmosphere
The Sea’s Weirdest Creatures, Now in ‘Staggering’ Detail
From Giant Jellyfish to a Massive Nautilus: The Most Epic Things Explorer Ofer Ketter Has Seen in His Submarine
Mega pod of more than 1,000 dolphins stampede off Laguna Beach’s coast
Magnetic pulses alter salmon’s orientation, suggesting they navigate via magnetite in their tissue
Glowing blue waves lighting up SoCal coastline roll into the South Bay
12 stunning photos of strange neon waves off California’s coast
How Starfish, Snails and Salmon Fight Pandemics
Fun Facts about Sea Life
10+ Ocean Science Educational Resources to Check Out at Home
Educational Salmon Series Inspires Students as Stewards
New species discovered during exploration of abyssal deep sea canyons off Ningaloo
California Grunion Facts and Expected Runs
Scientists seed local seas with imperiled fish. Can giant sea bass make a comeback?
What the History of Salmon Can Tell Us About the Future of the Planet
Mystery Of Malformed Fish In California Solved By Analyzing ‘Ear Rocks’
Why Do Whales Migrate? They Return to the Tropics to Shed their Skin, Scientists Say
African killifish may hold key to stopping ageing in humans
Summer-run steelhead: “top athletes” and “extraordinary” and “inspiring animal
Unloved and unstudied: Learning more about Lamprey
California scientists create bionic jellyfish to explore oceans
California Sea Cucumber Fishery: A Collaborative Project - video
Watch the salmon run in beautiful Butte Creek from a bird's-eye view - video
Eighteen Things We’ve Learned About the Oceans in the Last Decade
Wet and wild: sea creature stories that went viral in 2019
Thousands of glowing ‘sea pickles’ wash up on California beaches, marine experts say
Easy prey: The largest bears in the world use small streams to fatten up on salmon
Rare 7-year-old Chinook Salmon Caught in California Ocean Salmon Fishery
10 Wonderful Whale Facts
12 Shark Facts That May Surprise You
Thousands of ‘penis fish’ wash up on Point Reyes beach
‘Sneaky’ underwater robot spent 18 days recording sea creatures — and noisy humans, too
Fish in California estuaries are evolving as climate change alters their habitat
Abalonia: The Island Nation That Never Was - It was meant to be a seafood paradise.
Found off the Monterey coast, whale corpse offers an underwater feast on the deep ocean floor
Deep sea octopus gardens intrigue scientists
This $46,000 snow crab is the most expensive in the world
New drone, underwater footage of orcas stuns researchers, gives intimate look at killer whales’ family life
Poisonous porcupine fish arrives on Island shores — a B.C. first
Migaloo Spotted in Hawaii?
Research dive off Marin coast probes ‘unexplored territory’
How sea anemones feel the pinch of climate change
Mako Shark Tracking off West Coast Reveals “Impressive” Memory and Navigation
‘I was scared’: Most powerful electric eel ever discovered by scientists
‘Now I know why they shoot them’: Texas fisherman lands 8-foot halibut near Kodiak Island
Here's How to Tell if Salmon is Cooked Perfectly
The Last Presidential Salmon
Monterey Bay: Following the DNA trail in the Pacific Ocean
Do Salmon Make Decisions as a Group?
These sharks glow bright green in the dark
Jumbo Squid Are Missing From Monterey Bay. Will They Ever Return?
Surge of the sturgeon
Is The Central California Coast A New Haven For White Sharks?
What about the pupfish? How the 7.1 Ridgecrest earthquake impacted a critically endangered species
'Mega pod' of dolphins caught on camera off Southern California
Great White Sharks Filmed Gathering in California's Monterey Bay
Scientists get peek into how some fish change sex as adults
Ocean Bacteria Colonize Your Skin After Just 10 Minutes of Swimming
Lab Pulls Microscopic Details from Southern Resident Killer Whale Samples
The Fish Is Boneless. (Fishless, Too.)
Learning About California Golden Trout and more on Goldern Trout
Biologist from Yurok Tribe discovers new species of lampreys
First Recording of North Pacific Whale Song
Pod of 'very active' killer whales seen for first time ever in Monterey Bay
How Scientists Use the Color of the Ocean to Determine the Impacts of Climate Change
‘It’s pretty rare.’ See drone footage of strange-looking whales in Monterey Bay
Salmon get a major athletic boost via a single enzyme
Stunning drone video shows orcas kicking salmon, chasing birds in Monterey Bay
Pollution-proof fish borrow genes from relatives to survive toxins
Sharks as big as a bus seen off California after 30-year hiatus
Did you know hundreds of sea turtles are now Southern California residents?
Searching for the world's last remaining sawfish
Is Fish Slime an Untapped Resource?
Great white sharks are afraid of orcas, study finds
Unknown Species of Ancient Four-Legged Whale Uncovered in Peru
Dolphins clever enough to use sponges as tools deal with climate change better, study finds
The speedy secrets of mako sharks -- 'cheetahs of the ocean'
San Diego scientists believe they've discovered a new species of killer whales
'Strangest Fish I've Ever Seen': Rare Giant Sunfish Found in California
Great white shark: Its genetic mysteries and how they can help cancer research
Can fish evolve to handle climate change? Scientists tested it on these oddball fish
Sea cucumbers have a secret superpower
These eel-like fish look like horror movie monsters — and they’re back in SLO Creek
Bluefin goes for $3 million at 1st 2019 sale at Tokyo market
The Bizarre and Disturbing Life of Sea Cucumbers
What is THAT? Alien sea creature's mass of tentacles baffles locals after washing up on an Australian beach
Salmon to lose sense of smell as CO2 levels rise
What's going on with Hawaiian seals? Nobody nose
Mass stranding of bright red crabs in Monterey signals return of El Niño
Scientists Unveil Ancient Sea Monsters Found In Angola
A Scientist Found a Kelp on a Worm in a Hole in the Mud on the Bottom of the Sea
OK Google: Find the Humpback Whales
Rare Dumbo octopus filmed in deep sea off Monterey Bay
Bizarre 'Headless Chicken Monster' Drifts Through Antarctic Deep
Who Wants to Eat a Gooey Jellyfish? Pretty Much Everyone in the Ocean
Deepest Dive Ever Under Antarctica Reveals a Shockingly Vibrant World
Yours for £1.4 million: World's most expensive Koi Carp is bought for £1 million more than previous world record
Great White Sharks Gather in Droves in the Middle of Nowhere, But Why?
Meet the new species of deep-sea fish so gooey it melts when brought to the surface
Grieving mother orca falling behind family as she carries dead calf for a seventh day
Crazy fish attack video cracks up marine researchers
Salmon scales tell researchers a lot about the fish returning to Bristol Bay
Great whites help scientists understand ocean’s ‘twilight zone’
Woman's 'Fish Pedicure' Tied to Odd Toenail Problem
Clues at Fish Auction Reveal Several New Species of Opah
McDonald’s Came Out With A Card Game Based On The Filet-O-Fish
How Often Should You Be Eating Fish? New guidelines reassert the heart-healthy benefits of seafood
Whale shark tracked travelling furthest distance ever recorded
This Contorted Mystery Squid May Be the 'Most Bizarre' Ever Seen
Virtual Reality Game Brings Feel Of Fantasy Football To Salmon Survival Studies
Marine fish won an evolutionary lottery 66 million years ago, UCLA biologists report
Listening to Fish: How Sound May Help Us Identify and Study Life Underwater
First images of creatures from Antarctic depths revealed
What a Walking Fish Can Teach Us About Human Evolution
Growing Population of Crayfish Has One Female Ancestor
What's that fish? A new field guide helps scientists identify fish captured in scientific surveys
A champion shucker’s guide to the world’s best oysters (and where to find them)
Krill "deposits" transport atmospheric carbon to the ocean depths
Why Don’t Fish Swim Upside Down?
New model predicts locations of biological hotspots in the ocean
The Spawning Dead: Why Zombie Fish are the Anti-Apocalypse
Mysterious Brain-Eating Shark Killer Identified, Though Questions Remain
Mysterious sea creature washes up on Alaskan beach leaving scientists baffled
Anchovies Are Eating Plastic Because It Smells Like Prey
Bizarre, Glowing Sea Creatures Bloom in the Pacific
Newly Discovered Deep-Sea Sponge Could Be the Canary in the Seabed Mine
Scientists find exotic life in ocean depths off Sonoma Coast
Swimming inside a 'fish tornado'
10 greatest sightings, so far, from NOAA’s exploration of the deepwater Pacific
The ocean is a strange place after dark
15 Health Benefits of Eating Fish, According to Science
Millions of Glowing Sea Creatures Invade U.S. Pacific Coast
Overturned truck of ‘slime eels’ transforms Oregon road into highway of nightmares
Mammoth catfish caught on Clear Lake could break world record
Jellied sea creatures confound scientists, fishers on US Pacific Coast
These Fish Are All About Sex on the Beach
Where to see spitting fish and deadly frogs in Long Beach
'I never thought I’d see another': 2 white Dungeness crab on display at Oregon aquarium
Red rock crabs: the Dungeness' grouchy cousins
Dive into NOAA Fisheries Whale Week
World's rarest whale seen for the first time
This Deep-Sea Fisherman Has Caught A Treasure Trove Of Underwater Oddities
Watch a Bobcat Catch a Monster Fish
Mysterious ghost shark captured on camera for the first time
These Fish Evolved to Live in Extremely Toxic Water
Two-headed sharks are not only real, they’re becoming more and more common
Yes, fish can get sunburn
The Secret Life of Krill
Stunning discovery: Singing fish in San Francisco
One fish, two fish, what the hell is this blue fish?
'Googly-Eyed' Stubby Squid Captures Internet's Attention
400-year-old shark is the longest-living vertebrate ever
Flounders’ Eyes Face Skyward. How Do They See the Ocean Floor?
UW professor is digitizing every fish species in the world
NOAA Scientists Sight "Ghostly" Fish for First Time
New Camera Tag to Help Solve Great White Mystery
See the Mind-Blowing Super-Freaky Rainbow Fish from the Twilight Zone
Fish can recognize human faces (and we know because they keep spitting at us)
Scientists off Southern California explore why some fish glow
Massive Crab Swarm at Ocean Floor Filmed
Parasite turns Alaska king crab into zombies
Gorgeous Aerial Shots of Some of the World's Largest Salmon Runs
Fish oil turns fat-storage cells into fat-burning cells in mice, study finds
How Fish Communicate, Even Making Noise
How Fish Make Themselves Invisible: Mystery Solved
Evolutionary Adaptation Allows Salmon to Easily Shift Vision from Blue-Green Ocean to Murky Rivers
500 chinook salmon in one hour up Mad River, Humboldt - video
Pacific Fisheries Management Council - acronyms and definitions
Pacific Fisheries Management Council - fact sheets
NMFS Salmon and Steelhead Species boundary maps
Fish Facts – California’s State Fish, Marine Fish and Marine Mammal
Are fish the greatest athletes on the planet?
Unlocking the genetic secrets of whales with a 200-year life span