Position Letters

The fiscal analyses prepared by the Appropriations Committee staff do not list support and opposition, so we do not have a deadline to receive position letters.  Any letters submitted to the committee will be retained as part of the committee’s legislative record.

Here are the following ways you can submit a letter:

  1. Electronically via the California Legislature Advocates Portal: https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/
    • This portal is available to individuals, advocates, and lobbyists. You will have to create an account. Please see the Advocates Portal Reference Guide for more information.
  2. Hand deliver to the Committee office in State Capitol Room 2206
  3. Email the committee: sapr@sen.ca.gov
  4. Mail to:

Senate Appropriations Committee

California State Capitol, Room 2206

Sacramento CA 95814



Please note:

Position letters delivered to the committee are not forwarded to the members of the committee.  You are encouraged to hand deliver or mail your letter to each member individually.  Please see the Committee Members Contacts for full contact details on each member of the committee.

Committee Address
