Judiciary meets every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. in Room 112.
Support and opposition letters are due the Wednesday before the Tuesday hearing at 12 p.m. Letters are accepted through hard copy and mail, and can be emailed to the Committee at sjud.fax@sen.ca.gov, or faxed to us at (916) 403-7394.
JURISDICTION: Bills amending the Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Evidence Code, Family Code, and Probate Code. Bills relating to courts, judges, and court personnel. Bills relating to liens, claims, and unclaimed property. Bills relating to privacy and consumer protection.
Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (Chair)
Senator John M. W. Moorlach (Vice Chair)
Senator Joel Anderson
Senator Robert M. Hertzberg
Senator Bill Monning
Senator Henry Stern
Senator Bob Wieckowski