Welcome to the Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Quality

Meets 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the month at 9:30 A.M. in Room 3191.


JURISDICTION: Bills relating to environmental quality, air quality, water quality, climate change, California Environmental Quality Act, waste management, pesticides, and hazardous materials.


Support and Opposition Letters for Upcoming Hearings

Hearing Date Due By 4:30pm
  • Support and Opposition letters are due 12 calendar days prior to hearing. 
  • The committee does not accept e-mailed letters because they often get lost in e-mail filters.  
  • Please submit 2 hard copies either by mail, hand delivery, or fax to 916-322-3519.


Senator Bob Wieckowski (Chair)
Senator Jeff Stone (Vice Chair)
Senator Ted Gaines
Senator Jerry Hill
Senator Ricardo Lara
Senator Nancy Skinner
Senator Henry I. Stern

Committee Address
