Meets 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the month at 9:30 A.M. in Room 3191.
JURISDICTION: Bills relating to environmental quality, air quality, water quality, climate change, California Environmental Quality Act, waste management, pesticides, and hazardous materials.
Hearing Date | Due By 4:30pm |
- Support and Opposition letters are due 12 calendar days prior to hearing.
- The committee does not accept e-mailed letters because they often get lost in e-mail filters.
- Please submit 2 hard copies either by mail, hand delivery, or fax to 916-322-3519.
Senator Bob Wieckowski (Chair)
Senator Jeff Stone (Vice Chair)
Senator Ted Gaines
Senator Jerry Hill
Senator Ricardo Lara
Senator Nancy Skinner
Senator Henry I. Stern