State Government
Department of Industrial Relations:
Employment Development Department:
Department of Fair Employment and Housing:
Contractors’ State License Board:
Agricultural Labor Relations Board:
California Code of Regulations:
California Labor Code:
California Unemployment Insurance Code:
Federal Government
US Department of Labor:
Workforce Investment Act Gateway:
American Electronics Association:
California Chamber of Commerce:
California Labor Federation:
California Manufacturers & Technology Association:
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation:
Garment Contractors Association of Southern California:
Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group:
State Building and Construction Trades Council of California:
Research and Education
California Budget Project:
California Court Decisions:
California Economic Indicators, Department of Finance:>
Electronic Policy Network:
Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California at Berkeley:
Institute for Industrial Relations, University of California at Los Angeles:
National Conference of State Legislatures:
School of Industrial Relations, Cornell University:
State and Federal Wage and Hour Laws:
International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations: