Legislative committees hold hearings to investigate issues before they erupt into crises. The summary reports from these oversight hearings help explain where public policies come from.
These publications are available for purchase through Senate Publications.
Revenues and Responsibilities: An Inventory of Local Tax Powers. (December 2007) 1414-S $ 3.50
Governments Working Together: A Citizen's Guide to Joint Powers Agreements. (August 2007) 1404-S $7.50
The Regional Airport Authority: Is It Working for San Diego? The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing. (October 2006) 1383-S $6.00
The Quick List: An Annotated Glossary of Local Government Statutes. (April 2006) 1353-S $3.25
Community Needs, Community Services: A Legislative History of SB 135 (Kehoe) and the "Community Services District Law." (March 2006) 1348-S $6.75
"What is to be Done? Legislators Look at Redevelopment Reform." The Summary Report from the Joint Interim Hearing. (November 2005) 1340-S $13.00
Redevelopment and Blight: The Summary Report from the Joint Interim Hearing. (October 2005) 1333-S $11.50
Kelo & California: How The Supreme Court's Decision Affects California's Local Governments. (August 2005) 1319-S $10.78
Assessing The Benefit of Benefit Assessments: A Citizen's Guide to Benefit Assessments in California. Second Edition (December 2004) 0801-S $3.23
Proposition 65: Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act. The Summary Report from the Joint Hearing of the Assembly and Senate Local Government Committees. (September 2004) 1273-S $4.58
Best Practices: Successful Infill Development Strategies and Tactics. The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing of the Senate Local Government Committee. (September 2004) 1272-S $4.58
For Years To Come: A Legislative History of Senate Bill 341 and the "Public Cemetery District Law." (August 2004) 1268-S $6.20
Integrity and Accountability: Exploring Special Districts' Governance, The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing of the Senate Local Government Committee. (November 2003) 1240-S $6.00
Water and Land Use Planning: Assessing the Effects of SB 221 (Kuehl, 2001) & SB 610 (Costa, 2001), The Summary Report from the Joint Hearing of the Senate Agriculture & Water Resources Committee and the Senate Local Government Committee, (October 2003) 1230-S $10.25
Science, Service, and Statutes: A Legislative History of Senate Bill 1588 and the "Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control District Law", (September 2003) 1226-S $5.75
It's Time to Draw the Line, A Citizen's Guide to LAFCOs, California's Local Agency Formation Commissions, (Second Edition) (May 2003) 872-S $3.25
Proposition 51, Traffic Congestion Relief and Safe School Bus Act, The Summary Report from the Informational Hearings, (September/October 2002) 1182-S $5.50
Taking Their Pulse: How the LAFCOs Implemented AB 2838 (Hertzberg, 2000), (September 2002) 1176-S $3.00
Local Governments and the Governor's Budget (February 2002) 1128-S $3.77
What's So Special About Special Districts? (Third Edition) (February 2002) 583-S $3.23
Tension & Ambiguity (March 2001) 1075-S $3.00
Property Tax Allocation (September 1999) 997-S $6.47
LAFCO Governance & New Cities' Revenue Neutrality (October 1998) 977-S $4.25
Tailor-Made Government: A Citizen's Guide to California's Charter Cities and Counties (Kate Mannen, February 1998) 0943-S $3.23
Four Policy Pieces: Issue Papers on Housing Topics (December 1997)* 0930-S $3.77
Burglar Bars: Common Sense & Community Safety (November 1997)* 0926-S $4.58
Timely, Accurate, and Reliable: Report of the Task Force on Redevelopment Agencies' Affordable Housing Reports (July 1997)* 0917-S $3.50
Implementing AB 1335: Do LAFCOs Need a Nudge to Reorganize Special Districts? (January 1997) 0906-S $3.77
End or Means? Redevelopment Agencies' Housing Programs (November 1996)* 0888-S $7.27
Common Interest Development Issues After Nahrstedt (November 1996)* 0889-S $4.85
An Ounce of Prevention: Planning and Regulating for Seismic Hazards (October 1996)* 0882-S $5.50
AB 3248: Public Advisor to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (September 1996) 0896-S $4.58
November 1996 Ballot Proposition 218: Right to Vote on Taxes Act (September 1996) 0880-S $4.31
It's Time to Draw the Line: A Citizen's Guide to Local Agency Formation Commissions (Bill Irke, August 1996) 0872-S $3.77
Your Guide to Direct Democracy: Local Initiative, Referendum, and Recall Campaigns (Stacy Smith, April 1996) 0853-S $3.23
Santa Clara County Local Transportation Authority v. Guardino: Facts, Impacts & Options (January 1996) 0845-S $6.73
State Mandated Local Programs (December 1995) 0839-S $8.35
Redevelopment And Blight (November 1995)* 0831-S $20.74
Earthquake Safety and Building Codes (November 1995)* 0829-S $7.81
Farmworker Housing (October 1995)* 0824-S $8.08
Developer Fees (September 1995)* 0830-S $7.27
A Legislative Review of Homeless Programs (August 1995)* 0827-S $6.73
Assessing the Benefits of Benefit Assessments (April Manatt, May 1995) 0801-S $4.85
Housing Element Law (March 1995)* 0820-S $6.73
Residential Rebuilding After A Disaster (February 1994) 0752-S $4.85
Housing Element Law (December 1993) 0744-S $6.47
Public Revenues, Public Awareness (December 1993) 0741-S $5.39
Restructuring the State-Local Relationship (November 1993) 0743-S $7.54
What's So Special About Special Districts? (April Manatt, Second Edition, November 1993) 0583-S $4.31
A Housing Finance Strategy For The 1990s (December 1992)** 0711-S $10.24
Resolving Land Use Disputes: Mediation, Arbitration, and Litigation (November 1992) 0658-S $7.54
A Review Of Farmworker Housing Problems: Past Responses And Potential Solutions (October 1992)** 0652-S $8.08
Housing Related Legislation For The 1991-92 Regular Session (October 1992)** 0648-S $4.85
Accessibility For the Disabled (September 1992)** 0649-S $5.93
California Jobs And Future (July 1992)** 0650-S $7.00
Your Guide To Conflicts of Interest Law: How We Govern Our Public Officials (Jennifer Hilger, April 1992) 0632-S $3.50
Redevelopment Agencies' Housing Programs (December 1991) 0612-S $10.24
AB 2223 (Moore): Permit Streamlining Act Issues (December 1991) 0611-S $8.08
LAFCO Spheres of Influence After 20 Years (November 1991) 0604-S $10.78
Assessing Ourselves: A Legislative Review of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 (October 1991) 0603-S $6.47
Growth Management: Executive Efforts, Legislative Proposals, and Building Consensus [2 volumes] (October 1991) 0218-J $18.32
Paying For Growth: But At What Price? (November 1990) 0543-S $7.03
Housing Related Legislation For The 1989-90 Regular Session (October 1990)** 0529-S $5.39
Your Guide To Public Information (Chris Kahn, May 1990) 0503-S $3.50
The Promise of California's Rail Transit Lines In The Siting of New Housing (April 1990)** 0495-S $7.87
Redeveloping California: Finding The Legislative Agenda For the 1990s (December 1989) ` 0457-S $9.70
Land Use And Local Revenue Sharing: Playing The Zero-Sum Game (November 1989) 0178-J $10.78
Development & Public Works: AB 2460, Hannigan (October 1989) 0436-S $9.37
Growth Management: Local Decisions, Regional Needs, and Statewide Goals (December 1988) 0373-S $13.04
Report On Housing Related Legislation For The 1987-88 Regular Session (October 1988)** 0357-S $4.31
Property Tax Allocation (December 1987) 0300-S $8.89
New Cities And Land Use (November 1987) 0298-S $7.00
A New Law For A New Mission: SB 515 and the Fire Protection District Law of 1987 (October 1987) 0284-S $6.47
A State Bond Pooling Authority for California: Pipe Dream or Reality? (October 1987) 0288-S $7.27
Deregulating Local Officials' Compensation (October 1987) 0279-S $9.16
Housing Related Legislation For The 1987-88 Regular Session (October 1987)** 0283-S $4.31
County Fiscal Problems (August 1987) 0105-J $9.16
The Limits Of Land Use Regulation (August 1987) 0278-S $9.16
Developer Fees: Rearranging Who Pays For What (December 1986) 0097-J $8.78
The Redevelopment Of Antiquated Subdivisions: California's Hidden Land Use Problem (December 1986) 0225-S $6.47
An Overview Of The Williamson Act (November 1986) 0089-J $5.39
Developer Fees & School Construction (October 1986) 0085-J $7.54
Disaster Relief Programs & Flood Victims Assistance (October 1986)** 0214-S $10.78
Public Agencies And Capacity Fees (October 1986) 087-J $8.08
Report On Housing Related Legislation For The 1985-86 Regular Session (October 1986)** 0213-S $4.31
The Use of Benefit Assessments Since Proposition 13 (October 1986) 0215-S $6.73
Proposition 62: Analysis of Issues and Provisions (September 1986) 081-J $5.39
City Annexations Across County Lines (October/November 1985) 0144-S $6.47
Impact Of Development Fees On Housing Affordability With Special Focus On School Impact Fees (December 1984)** 0091-S $11.74
* = Originally published by the Senate Housing and Land Use Committee
** = Originally published by the Senate Housing and Urban Affairs Committee
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[REVISED 08-05-98]