Testimony of Dr. Greg Pottie

Pervasive Computing Overview (PPT)


Greg Pottie
Deputy Director, Center for Embedded Networked Sensing


Professor, UCLA Electrical Engineering Department
Associate Dean, Research and Physical Resources, HSSEAS

Center for Embedded Networked Sensing
$40Mill/10 years base funding from NSF

Embedded Networked Sensing (ENS):
A Transforming Technology


  • Imagine if
  • High-rise buildings in Los Angeles were able to detect their own structural faults (e.g., weld cracks or plumbing infrastructure)
  • Belmont school could reliably measure toxic levels at very low concentrations, and trace contaminant transport back to its source
  • Buoys along the coast could alert surfers, swimmers, and fisherman to dangerous bacterial levels
  • An earthquake-rubbled building could be infiltrated with robots and sensors to locate signs of life and evaluate structural damage
  • We could infuse complex and endangered ecosystems with a plethora of chemical, physical, acoustic, and image sensors to track global change parameters continuously.
  • Dangerous bacterial and contaminant levels could be detected "on the farm" through dense sampling, instead of "in the market" through sparse sampling
Embedded Networked Sensing Potential


  • Embedded Networked Sensing will reveal previously unobservable phenomena
  • Micro-sensors, on-board processing, wireless interfaces feasible at very small scale--can monitor phenomena "up close"
  • Enables spatially and temporally dense environmental monitoring.
Pervasive Computing


  • Widely networked computing technology that becomes effectively invisible in the environment
  • Need not be small
  • E.g. Electric motors
  • Computers are everywhere, but most are embedded and at best only locally networked
  • E.g. Automotive control systems
  • Networking produces such increased value as to enable entirely new applications, that were previously too costly to conceive or run on large scales
  • Technological forces:
  • Decreased size and cost of electronics of all kinds
  • Improved networking and database technologies
  • Pervasive proposals: Over 1000 research proposals in response to small NSF program on sensor networks
Privacy and Pervasive Computing


  • In a village, everyone knows just about everything about everyone else; in a city, real privacy exists
  • In a networked global village, "everyone" potentially extends to anyone who pays to find out, anywhere in the world, to a level of detail not even available in a village.
  • The only privacy will be that which is explicitly designed in, from the beginning.
  • Regulations become costly after deployment--retrofit of large installed base
  • Patches often have security holes
  • Early regulation, in contrast, will often have little cost, since many design choices in information technology are somewhat arbitrary

RFID and Pervasive Computing


  • RFID is one of many technologies that can bind information to an object
  • The binding problem is how to determine that information collected by diverse information sources (sensors/manual data entry) actually applies to the same object or person
  • Electronic tagging is convenient since:
  • Includes unique ID
  • Provides easy means of detection (may even broadcast)
  • Data format is known
  • Other binding technologies: facial recognition algorithms, identity or credit cards (swiped or manual data entry), signature recognition, biometrics, etc.
  • The data management (privacy, security, etc.) issues also apply to these other technologies
  • RFID and cameras have the additional issues of notification of surveillance
Towards Beneficial Pervasive Computing


  • Societal values can also be served by new information technologies; imagine:
  • Distributed private networks of environmental monitoring, to measure actual total exposures to contaminants
  • Improved public safety through monitoring of ports, pipelines, and other infrastructure
  • Increased economic efficiencies in supply chain from manufacturing processes through to retail
  • Economic, political and technological forces will make pervasive computing a reality, in an incremental fashion, due to the perceived benefits
  • However, the best societal outcomes will not happen without embedded responsibility in the the information technology
  • This will require study and regulation in partnership with government, consumers, and technology providers

Committee Address
