Reports Published by the former Senate Local Government Committee (1969-2007)
Reports may be ordered from Senate Publications.
- State Building Standards Commission and Building Standards, November 1969
- 1911 Improvement Act, December 1969
- Regional-Local Planning Process, February 1972
- Regional Planning in the San Francisco Bay Area, April 1972
- Southern California Regional Planning Agency, September 1972
- Gas Tax Money for Urban Beautification, October 1972
- California Environmental Quality Act, October 1972
- Abandoned Service Stations and the Granting of Service Station Permits, March 1973
- Cutback of Federal Funds for Urban Programs, March 1973
- Alternative Uses of Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, June 1973
- Growth Limitation Ordinances, October 1973
- Planning and Criminal Justice, October 1973
- Planning Law Revision, October 1973
- Lower Court Staffing, November 1973
- Citizen Participation in Redevelopment, November 1973
- Condominiums and Condominium Conversions, November 1973
- Annexation, November 1973
- Council on Intergovernmental Relations (Draft 1974)
- Condominium Regulation Legislation, May 1974
- Bay Area Regional Planning Agency, May 1974
- Alternative Models for Long-range Statewide Land Use Planning, October 1974
- Local, Regional and State Governments Statewide Land Use Planning, November 1974
- Air Pollution and Land Use Planning, November 1974
- Redevelopment, November 1974
- Air Pollution and Land Use Planning, January 1975
- Fire Regulations for High-rise Buildings, March 1975
- Tax Increment Financing of Redevelopment, December 1975
- Redlining in California: Discrimination on the Basis of Neighborhood Characteristics in the Financing of Housing, October 1976
- A Review of Airport Land Use Commissions, November 1976
- California Statewide Housing Plan and Housing Elements, July 1977
- Summary of Legislation Implementing Proposition 13, July 1978
- Report on Special District Funding, August 1978
- Summary of Legislation Implementing Proposition 13, October 1978
- Proposition 13 State and Local Fiscal Outlook, November 1978
- AB 8 Conference Committee Report on Long-Term Local Government and School Financing, July 1979
- Long-Term Local Government and School Financing, October 1979
- Property Tax Assessment, October 1979
- The Impact of Proposition 4 (Gann Initiative) on Local Government, November 1979
- Long-Term Indebtedness and the Repeal of the Business Inventory Tax, October 1980
- Distribution of the Property Tax, January 1981
- Subcommittee on Mobilehome Park Problems, February 1981
- The Impact of the 1981-82 Federal Budget Cuts on California, October 1981
- Senate Housing Economic Development Package, March 1982
- Senate Housing Economic Development Package, April 1982
- Fire District Financing, November 1982
- California Redevelopment: Finding Agendas for the 1980's, December 1982
- California's Agricultural Land Use Policies, January 1983
- AB 377 and Property Tax Allocations, August 1983
- Local Efforts to Conserve Agricultural Land, October 1983
- Public Infrastructure Financing Methods: Helping Communities Get What They Are Willing to Pay For, November 1983
- Long-Term Finance for Local Governments, December 1983
- Over the Line, A Proposal for Allowing Cross-County City Annexations, November 1984
- Closing the Gap: Infrastructure Needs and Our Ability to Pay for Them, November 1984
- Extraordinary Property Tax Rates, January 1985
- Stepchild of Proposition 13: A Survey of the Special District Augmentation Fund, March 1985
- Public Finance Issues for Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control Officials, July 1985
- Rural Counties' Fiscal Problems, October 1985
- Fire District Law and Financing, October 1985
- City Annexations Across County Lines, November 1985
- County Service Contracts, December 1985
- Federal Tax Reform Act of 1985: Impacts on Local Government, January 1986
- Developer Fees Information Hearing, May 1986
- Flood Control in the Antelope Valley: Organization and Financing, July 1986
- Local Law Enforcement and Civil Disruption, September 1986
- Proposition 62: Analysis of Issues and Provisions, September 1986
- The Use of Benefit Assessments Since Proposition 13, October 1986
- Developer Fees and School Construction, October 1986
- Public Agencies and Capacity Fees, October 1986
- An Overview of the Williamson Act, November 1986
- The Redevelopment of Antiquated Subdivisions or California's Hidden Land Use Problem, December 1986
- Developer Fees: Rearranging Who Pays For What, December 1986
- County Fiscal Problems, August 1987
- The Limits of Land Use Regulation, August 1987
- Deregulating Local Officials' Compensation, October 1987
- A New Law for a New Mission: SB 515 and the Fire Protection District Law of 1987, October 1987
- A State Bond Pooling Authority for California: Pipe Dream or Reality? October 1987
- New Cities and Land Use, November 1987
- Property Tax Allocation, December 1987
- Growth Management: Local Decisions, Regional Needs and Statewide Goals, December 1988
- Your Guide to Open Meetings, The Ralph M. Brown Act, February 1989
- Strained Relations: Counties, States and Alcohol and Drug Programs, May 1989
- Development and Public Works, October 1989 Land Use and Local Revenue Sharing: Playing the Zero-Sum Game, November 1989
- Redeveloping California: Finding the Legislative Agenda for the 1990's, December 1989
- Your Guide to Public Information, May 1990
- Paying for Growth: But at What Price, November 1990
- Assessing Ourselves: A Legislative Review of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, October 1991
- Growth Management: Executive Efforts, Legislative Proposals and Building Consensus, October 1991
- LAFCO Spheres of Influence After 20 Years, November 1991
- Permit Streamlining Act Issues, December 1991
- Your Guide to Conflicts of Interest Law: How We Govern Our Public Officials, April 1992
- Local Agencies' Natural Gas Franchises, November 1992
Resolving Land Use Disputes: Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation, November 1992
- What's So Special About Special Districts, November 1993
- Restructuring the State-Local Relationship, November 1993
- Housing Element Law, December 1993
- Public Revenues, Public Awareness, December 1993
- Residential Rebuilding After a Disaster, February 1994
- Assessing the Benefits of Benefit Assessments, May 1995
- State Mandated Local Programs, December 1995
- Santa Clara County Local Transportation Authority v. Guardino: Facts, Impacts & Options, January 1996
- Your Guide to Direct Democracy: Local Initiative, Referendum and Recall Campaigns, April 1996
- It's Time to Draw the Line: A Citizen's Guide to Local Agency Formation Commissions, August 1996
- Proposition 218: Right to Vote on Taxes Act, September 1996
- Implementing AB 1335: Do LAFCOs Need a Nudge to Reorganize Special Districts? January 1997
- Tailor-Made Government: A Citizen's Guide to California's Charter Cities & Counties, February 1998
- LAFCO Governance & New Cities' Revenue Neutrality, October 1998
- Property Tax Allocation, September 1999
- Tension & Ambiguity, March 2001
- Parks, Progress, and Public Policy: A Legislative History of Senate Bill 707 and the "Recreation and Park District Law", October 2001
- What's So Special About Special Districts? (Third Edition), February 2002
- Local Governments and the Governor's Budget, February 2002
- Taking Their Pulse: How The LAFCOs Implemented AB 2838 (Hertzberg, 2000), September 2002
- Proposition 51, Traffic Congestion Relief and Safe School Bus Act, The Summary Report from the Informational Hearings, September/October 2002
- It's Time to Draw the Line, A Citizen's Guide to LAFCOs, California's Local Agency Formation Commissions. (Second Edition), May 2003
- Science, Service, and Statutes: A Legislative History of Senate Bill 1588 and the "Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control District Law", September 2003
- Water and Land Use Planning: Assessing the Effects of SB 221 (Kuehl, 2001) & SB 610 (Costa, 2001), The Summary Report from the Joint Hearing of the Senate Agriculture & Water Resources Committee and the Senate Local Government Committee, October 2003
- Integrity and Accountability: Exploring Special Districts' Governance, The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing of the Senate Local Government Committee, November 2003
- For Years To Come: A Legislatie History of Senate Bill 341 and the "Public Cemetery District Law" August 2004
- Best Practices: Successful Infill Development Strategies and Tactics, The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing of the Senate Local Government Committee, August 2004
- Proposition 65: Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Prtotection Act. The Summary Report from the Joint Hearing of the Assembly and Senate Local Government Committees. September 2004
- Assessing The Benefit of Benefit Assessments: A Citizen's Guide to Benefit Assessments in California, Second Edition. December 2004
- Kelo & California: How the Supreme Court's Decision Affects California's Local Governments. August 2005
- Redevelopment and Blight: The Summary Report from the Joint Interim Hearing. October 2005
- "What is to be Done? Legislators Look at Redevelopment Reform." The Summary Report from the Joint Interim Hearing. November 2005
- Community Needs, Community Services: A Legislative History of SB 135 (Kehoe) and the "Community Services District Law." March 2006
- The Quick List: An Annotated Glossary of Local Government Statutes. April 2006
- The Regional Airport Authority: Is It Working for San Diego? The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing. October 2006
- Governments Working Together: A Citizen's Guide to Joint Powers Agreements. August 2007
- Revenues and Responsibilities: An Inventory of Local Tax Powers. December 2007