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Archives: 2013-14 Legislative Session

Committee Releases Sumary Report: Local Governments and the Governor's Budget

February 25, 2002


Committee Releases Summary Report
"Local Governments and the Governor’s Budget"


Senator Tom Torlakson, chair of the Senate Local Government Committee, has released the summary report from the Committee’s February 20, 2002 briefings on the effects of the Governor’s Budget on counties, cities, and special districts.

The report contains four staff findings based on the remarks by the eight witnesses:

  • The budget deficit is worse than expected.
  • Local governments want stability and predictability in revenues.
  • Local officials didn’t ask legislators to suspend many mandates.
  • Local governments view their proposed ballot initiative as a starting point for fiscal reform, not the solution.

The Committee received a briefing from the Legislative Analyst’s Office about the 2002-03 State Budget, heard advice from local government lobbyists on how legislators can reduce the Budget’s effects, and listened to explanations of a ballot initiative proposed by local government trade associations.

The new report summarizes the witnesses’ comments, includes the background policy paper, and reprints all of the hand-out materials.

Order copies of the summary report directly from:

Senate Publications
1020 N Street, Room B-53
Sacramento CA 95814
(916) 327-2155

Single copies are $3.77, which includes shipping and sales tax. Make checks payable to "Senate Rules Committee" and request report number 1128-S.