What statutory reforms would improve special districts’ ethical behavior, directors’ compensation practices, and auditing procedures?
The Senate Local Government Committee has just published the results of its hearing held in Orangevale on November 24, 2003. Senator Ortiz asked the Committee to hold this hearing after articles about the Sacramento Suburban Water District appeared in the Sacramento Bee.
The new report summarizes what 22 speakers told the legislators. The summary report also reprints the background policy paper, plus all of the written materials that the speakers gave the legislators.
The Committee’s report concludes that there was general (although not universal) support among legislators and the speakers for statutory reforms on:
- Ethical behavior: ethics training, whistleblower protections.
- Directors’ compensation: new limits, procedural changes, records.
- Auditing procedures: compliance audits, remedial actions, quality control.
Special districts’ officials and watchdog groups can use the summary report when reviewing bills that legislators may author in 2004. Order copies directly from:
Senate Publications
1020 N Street, Room B-53
Sacramento CA 95814
A single copy costs $6.47, including shipping and sales tax. Discounts are available for multiple copies. Make checks payable to the Senate Rules Committee. Credit card not accepted. Ask for stock number 1240-S.