Implementation of the California Renewables
Portfolio Standard
State Capitol, Room 3191
February 6, 2007
9:30 a.m.
I. Opening Comments
Senator Christine Kehoe, Chairwoman
Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Committee
II. Panel 1
Jackalyne Pfannenstiel, Chair
John Geesman, Commissioner
California Energy Commission
John Bohn, Commissioner RPS Status Report
California Public Utilities Commission
III. Panel 2
Matt Freedman, Staff Attorney (PDF)
The Utility Reform Network
V. John White, Executive Director (PPT)
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies
Jan Smutny-Jones, Executive Director
Independent Energy Producers
Joe Greco, Vice President, Western Region
Caithness Energy
IV. Panel 3
Randy Howard, Renewable Development Project Manager (PPT)
Southern California Public Power Authority
Tom Habashi, General Manager
Roseville Electric (for Northern California Power Agency)
V. Panel 4
Terry Farrelly, Vice President of Procurement (PPT)
San Diego Gas and Electric
Fong Wan, Vice President, Energy Procurement (PPT)
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Stuart Hemphill, Director of Renewable and Alternative Power (PPT)
Southern California Edison