2013 Tentative Committee Calendar for Bill Hearings
(Does not include informational hearings)
Senate Committee on Agriculture
Senator Cathleen Galgiani, Chair
Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 9:30 a.m., State Capitol, Room 113
January 7 Legislature reconvenes.
January 21 Holiday. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
February 5 *Hearing.
February 18 Holiday. President’s Day.
February 19 *Hearing.
February 22 Deadline. Introduction of new bills.
March 5 *Hearing.
March 19 *Hearing.
March 21 Spring Recess begins at end of this day’s session.
March 29 Holiday. Cesar Chavez Day.
April 1 Legislature reconvenes.
April 2 *Hearing.
April 16 *Hearing. Deadline hearing, fiscal Senate bills. (May 3 deadline).
May 7 *Hearing. Deadline hearing, non-fiscal Senate bills. (May 10 deadline)
May 17 Last day policy committees meet prior to June 3.
May 27 Holiday. Memorial Day.
May 31 Deadline. Last day to pass house of origin.
June 3 Committee hearings resume.
June 4 *Hearing.
June 18 *Hearing.
July 2 *Hearing. Deadline hearing, fiscal & non-fiscal Assembly bills. Last scheduled hearing. (July 12 deadline)
July 4 Holiday. Independence Day.
July 12 Summer Recess begins at end of this day’s session pending passage of Budget.
August 12 Legislature reconvenes.
September 2 Holiday. Labor Day.
September 13 Interim Study Recess begins at end of this day’s session.
October 13 Deadline. Last day for Governor to act on bills passed on or before September 13 and in his possession after September 13.
*NOTE: Hearing dates are potential hearing dates. We will not meet on all dates shown.