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Archives: 2013-14 Legislative Session


2011-2012 Session

SB 834 Integrated Waste Management Plans:Would have required that all integrated resources management plans identify how the region was meeting the state’s policy to reduce reliance on the Delta. Status: Vetoed.

SB 200 – Delta Levee Subvention Program: Extends until 2020 the successful Delta Levee Subventions Program, which helps protect the Delta levee system so the Delta can continue to serve its many valuable uses – as fertile farmland, a water conveyance, and a rich estuary ecosystem. Status: Active.

SB 1278 – 2007 Flood Legislation Cleanup: Helps to implement 2007 Flood Legislation by ensuring that cities and counties have reliable information to make responsible land use decisions and avoid placing new developments in flood prone areas. Status: Active.

SB 1495 – Port of Stockton: Enables ports to continue to operate while complying with the intent of 2009 water package. Exempts lease approvals and dredging associated with the Port of Stockton and the Port of West Sacramento from review by the Delta Stewardship Council to prevent unnecessary delays to time-sensitive port operations. Lease approvals and dredging are still subject to CEQA, endangered species laws, and all other planning laws.  Status: Active.

SB 571 – The California Water Finance Reform Act: Based on the California Transportation Commission model, this legislation would task the California Water Commission with developing a master plan for water, identifying appropriate funding mechanism for the plan, and, ultimately, managing and allocating funding made available from various potential sources. Status: Inactive.

2009-2010 Session

SB 458 – Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy: Would have created the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy. Status: Inactive.

SB 457 – Delta Protection Reform Act: Would have reformed the Delta Protection Commission to provide stronger local representation. Would also have directed the commission to hold hearings and develop recommendations for the State’s Delta Plan, and to develop an economic development plan for the Delta communities. Status: Inactive.

SB 808 – Delta Levee Subventions: Extends the sunset for the Delta Levee Subventions Program - the current state funding formula for levee maintenance or improvement projects in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta – from July 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013. (Status: Chaptered, Chapter 23)

SB 991 – Flood Control: Appropriates $30,000 of Proposition 1E for flood protection projects that improve the sustainability of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. (Status: Vetoed)

SB 1173 – Recycled Water: Clarifies that recycled water should be used to replace potable and other sources of water for industrial, agricultural and landscape uses where appropriate. (Status: Vetoed)

SB 1334 – Local Involvement in NCCPs: Strengthens provisions of existing law to ensure that local land use agencies are cooperated with when the Department of Fish and Game enters any habitat restoration agreement under the Natural Community Conservation Planning Act. (Status: Vetoed)