Letters of Support and Opposition
Please submit letters via the Advocacy Portal 
For information on how to submit a position letter please see the directions below:
In order to be listed on a Committee analysis, position letters shall:
- Be received directly by the Committee, no later than time and day posted on Committee website homepage, via the Advocacy Portal or by mail to 1021 O Street, Room 3230, Sacramento, CA 95814
- Clearly reference the bill number and clearly indicate only a position of “support” or “oppose”; letters of conditional support or opposition will not be listed on Committee Analyses
- For letters from mulitple organizations (coalition letters), it is necessary:
to enter into the Advocacy Portal every organization included in the letter
- to include a named individual responsible for each organization’s position on the bill
- For letters from individuals, provide the writer’s full name and residential address, including zip code
- For letters from mulitple organizations (coalition letters), it is necessary:
It is the responsibilty of organizations/individuals to submit an updated position letter to the Committee if the organization's/individual's position changes due to amendments or any other reason.
Committee staff are not responsible for distributing letters to Committee Members' offices, authors' offices, or other committees.
If position letter deadlines change, updated deadlines will be posted on the homepage of the Committee website or feel free to call the Committee at 916.651.4108 or email the Committee assistant mimi.holtkamp@sen.ca.gov with any questions.