- Support and opposition letters must be received by the Committee no later than noon the Wednesday prior to the regularly scheduled hearing on the bill in question.
- Only those letters that clearly indicate “Support” or “Oppose” to the current version of the bill will be noted in the committee analysis. Letters stating positions such as, “Oppose unless amended” or “Support if amended” will not be noted on the position lists for the analysis of that bill.
- Letters from organizations must be on letterhead, include a signature and a reference to the bill in order to be listed in the committee analysis. If the bill is substantially amended, a new letter is required. Electronic copies of letters are acceptable if they are on letterhead with a signature. Single letters from multiple organizations must include letterhead insignia from each organization to be included, as well as signatures from each organization.
- Letters from individuals must include the writer’s full name and residential address, including zip code.
- Policy committees are responsible for the analyses of bills that reach Third Reading. Floor analyses reflect verified support and opposition. It is the responsibility of the author’s office to provide updated letters to this committee prior to bills reaching Third Reading. If updated letters are not provided, floor analyses will indicate that support and opposition cannot be verified and therefore will not be listed.
- Copies of letters must be submitted to the Senate Minority Consultants.