Tuesday, July 3, 2007
9:30 a.m. -- Room 3191
AB 231 Eng Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Act.
AB 578 Blakeslee Energy: distributed energy generation: study.
AB 588 De Leon Credit history: public utilities.
AB 625 Levine Energy: efficiency retrofits.
AB 662 Ruskin Water conservation.
AB 746 Krekorian Energy: natural gas vehicles.
AB 837 Levine Energy: renewable energy resources.
AB 891 De La Torre Telecommunications: consumer protection.
AB 1064 Lieber Energy: heat corporations: self-generation incentive program. <>
AB 1077 Lieber State Air Resources Board: plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.
AB 1109 Huffman Energy resources: lighting efficiency: hazardous waste.
AB 1223 Arambula Public utilities: net energy metering.
AB 1470 Huffman Solar energy: Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007.
AB 1552 Feuer Petroleum products: information.
AB 1560 Huffman Public resources: building standards.
AB 1610 Nunez/Eng California Petroleum Refinery Facilities Standards Board.
AB 1613 Blakeslee Energy: Waste Heat and Carbon Emissions Reduction Act.
AB 1715 Utilities and Commerce Public utilities: Digital Infrastructure and Video Competition Act.