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Archives: 2013-14 Legislative Session

Governor’s Ten Point Electricity Plan

Governor’s Ten Point Electricity Plan


The Governor’s electricity plan is designed to ensure an adequate, stable supply of electricity at reasonable prices. The plan encourages the use of emerging technologies to preserve and protect California’s environment and promote economic growth.

  1. Resource Adequacy

    Minimum 15% reserve margins for all suppliers of electricity, by 2006
  2. Competitive Procurement

    Open, transparent procurement process ensures best value to ratepayers in terms of price, risk, reliability and environmental impact

    Cost recovery for utilities encourages long-term contracts
  3. Transmission

    Legislation to establish transmission corridors

    Encourage investment to reduce congestion, increase grid reliability
  4. Rate Relief

    Encourage PUC to implement equitable rate designs for allocating system costs

    Reduce rates for all customers from FERC refunds and DWR contract renegotiations
  5. Natural Gas

    Increase in-state gas storage, production and natural gas import capability to ensure adequate supply and stable prices
  6. Renewable Energy

    Accelerate renewable mix of 20% by 2010

    Million Solar Roofs Initiative

    Western Governor’s Association Clean and Diversified Energy Resolution: 30,000 MW by 2015
  7. Energy Efficiency

    Increase State’s energy efficiency 20% by 2010

    Energy efficiency prioritized in the Energy Action Plan’s loading order

    Green Buildings Executive Order – State will lead by example

    WGA Clean Energy Resolution: 20% gain by 2020

    Zero energy homes, building codes, appliance standards
  8. Dynamic Pricing/Advanced Metering

    Encourage technology, rate designs and consumer behavior to reduce power usage during peak hours

    Deploy advanced interval meters to all customers
  9. Core/Non-core

    Allow large customers to choose their electricity supplier
  10. Research & Development

    Invest in emerging technologies that improve the efficiency, effectiveness and environmental impact of energy supplies and infrastructure