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February 25, 2010 Agenda February 25, 2010 Agenda
Joint Informational Hearing
Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee and Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee
CHAIRS: Senator Alex Padilla and Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes
Proposition 16: New Two-Thirds Vote Requirement for Local Public Electricity Providers
Initiative Constitutional Amendment
State Capitol, Room 4202
February 25, 2010
Upon Adjournment of Floor Sessions
Senator Alex Padilla, Chairman
Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee Secretary of State
Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, Chairman
Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee
Panel 1: Overview from the Legislative Analyst’s Office
Tiffany Roberts, Fiscal and Policy Analyst - Energy & Climate Change
Office of the Legislative Analyst Office
Panel 2: Proponents of Proposition 16
Ed Bedwell, Senior Director - State & Local Government Affairs
Pacific Gas & Electric
Marc Burgat, Vice President - Government Relations
California Chamber of Commerce
Michelle Pielsticker, Vice President/General Counsel
California Taxpayers’ Association
Panel 3: Opponents of Proposition 16
John L. Geesman, Former Chair
California Energy Commission
Paul Hauser, Director
Redding Electric Utility
Michael Boccadoro, Executive Director
Agricultural Energy Consumers Association
Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, District 5, Board of Supervisors,
City and County of San Francisco
Public Comment