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Archives: 2013-14 Legislative Session

August 28, 2007 Hearing Information

Informational Hearing

AB 32: Oversight: CPUC and CEC:
Electricity Sector GHG Reductions


State Capitol, Room 3191
August 28, 2007
1:00 p.m.


I. Opening Comments
  • Senator Christine Kehoe, Chairwoman
    Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Subcommittee on Alternative Energy
II. Panel I: California Energy Commission & Public Utilities Commission
III. Panel II: Investor Owned Utilities
IV. Panel III: Municipal Utility Districts
V. Panel IV: ­Other Participants and Observers
  • Aaron Johnson, Deputy Director, Energy Branches
    Division of Ratepayer Advocates
  • Karen Edson, VP for External Affairs
    California Independent System Operators
  • John White, Executive Director
    Center for Energy Efficiency & Renewable Technology
  • Devra Wang, Director
    Natural Resources Defense Council
VI. Panel V: Public Comments